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Your expectations for 24/25 season

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I used to love the old Flash Gordon movies when Dale Arden would say Flash we only have fourteen hours to save the earth and Flash would duly get to work by putting Ming The Merciless the galactic sword and it all ended with hugs and kisses.

Now it’s Phillippe you have a season to save our club so can our hero in a tracksuit deliver a ream to mount a challenge to the current champions one thing I know from watching Rangers for many a year is he has to hit the ground running because the one discipline our fans don’t have is patience.

so can the manager deliver it’s a simple question.

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  • Rousseau changed the title to Your expectations for 24/25 season

Props Compo. 


These are the best threads IMO. 

The misery...lol!


I expect Rangers, if Clement's PoA is sound, to bounce back relatively quickly. 


League-Second place.

I say a slow start will kill our hopes for a league title.


Cups-Scottish Cup

I do think we will have our shit together (combined with some lucky draws) enough by the season's 30% point to seriously challenge for one, if not both domestic cups.


CL-John Candy No GIF by Laff


Europa League-If it is an 'easy' group? Second...then no idea.


That should coincide with when I expect things to really start clicking...Xmas.


Back at Ibrox, team gellin...bam son!






Edited by Malangsob
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