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The clock is ticking...

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13 minutes ago, compo said:

And to add injury to insult our masters across the city appear to be having a great pre season and we haven’t yet got a defence in place to halt them , it could be a long hard season ahead with little in the way of highs but plenty of lows .

Comparing ourselves to Celtic is obviously the main metric but it really is all about our own shortcomings at the moment. We can't be side-tracked by what they do or don't do.

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Celtic weren't substantially better than us last season and so far all they've done is replace their keeper. At best they've stood still, so far. Have we regressed a bit, or stood still also? Losing Lundstram and Barasic weakens the squad, time will tell if Baron and Jefte are adequate replacements. Sima is the biggest loss to our squad and he's not been replaced. It would be astonishing if we don't sign at least a couple of forward players before the window closes. I expect we'll strengthen elsewhere too as other players leave. 

It's frustrating we don't have more players in so they can get to know their team mates and Clement's demands, but it's still only July. You have to assume things are going on, talks are taking place. There tends to be a domino effect, someone in the chain needs to sell or buy and that triggers a raft of moves. 

I think we will need to get used to Rangers playing younger home grown players this season too. Not first choice, but when injuries and suspensions happen I think Clement will have to play the youth. In my experience Rangers supporters are all for this until it actually happens, we're not the most patient support. 

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