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17 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

Given the general issues with how the club is currently being run, the transfer window (thus far), the performances on the pitch (since March), the injury list and the Copland Road/Hampden scenario, it's fair to say it is an omnishambles.  There's just no need to say it on every other post.  

If posters wants to mention it once, twice, three times or every time they post, that's up to them. It's easy to skim read, or skip posts. 

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4 minutes ago, CammyF said:

If posters wants to mention it once, twice, three times or every time they post, that's up to them. It's easy to skim read, or skip posts. 

Agreed, it's easy enough to ignore posters you don't like (goes both ways).  


buster's posts intrigue me (the writing style, phraseology and repetition is highly unusual).  

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Going back to Frankie's update post, I was thinking that £11M of commitments would include staged payments for the likes of Danilo and Dessers. It is normal these days I believe to stage payments across a year or 2, and I am sure I have read this is very much our club's way of dealing in the market too. So when JB talks of this high number that may include staged payments for previous purchases, not only the likes of summer 2024 buys like Cerny and Cortes. 


I thought the interview was pretty much as expected and not as bad as others have said, he explained a bit about the timescales for the steel, the process there going forward, didnt expect him to say too much about how it was allowed to happen to get to this stage. Like others though I was a little surprised he took the tone as if he has only just joined the board now and not that he has been there for about 5 years now. I appreciate his was not a hands on role day to day and that we had CEO and other board members more involved but he should have took it a bit more on the chin for collective responsibility. A bit more humility perhaps. Explained a bit more about what he and PC are going to be doing to change the squad around with no more buying non-resale value players and also cutting costs (the wage bill I suspect being the biggest hit which is why Goldson Tav & Cantwell are being punted as they are suspected to be the biggest earners) and bringing in more legs and energy as well as hopefully quality.


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12 hours ago, Frankie said:

Now the chairman's interview is available, I thought it was only fair I circled back to this article.


First and foremost, the chairman isn't a great public speaker and I'm sure he'd concede that. The interview was also too long, too rambling and too generic in nature. However, there was some interest within it worth noting.


- He suggested the end of September to be back at Ibrox. That's far from ideal but it is what it is. Let's hope that doesn't slide.

- He discussed club finances and I think he was clear enough that we're struggling in that regard. As such, fans must acknowledge that context in terms of transfers and other factors.

- With that in mind, it's important to note our existing obligations of over £11m excluding loan deals (so Cortes and Cerny). That's a big issue if the Lammers and Goldson deals haven't helped balance that number. It shows how vital is it to move people on at the right time and that must be done with assets going forward. It also shows how we can't just go and spend £5m on Player A or B on a whim. We have to be creative in our approach (see Diomande and Cortes for examples of this).

- Bennett also talked about avoiding 'rinsing and repeating' every October if results don't go our way. As such, the clear inference is that we are 'all in' on Clement's rebuild and, so far at least (and taking the above into account) this rebuild will not happen in this window alone. Of course there should be no concession of anything in July but I think patience and realism amongst the fans is going to be needed in large amounts.


All things considered, I don't think the interview was a good one. However, there was enough information within it to show the club is not in a good place. Where Bennett arguably fell down was his failure to acknowledge the existing board's part in the status quo. They've been responsible for much of the decision-making that has resulted in our current weak position and they're responsible for negotiating us out of that - either with the correct staff appointments (on and off the park) and investment to help the improve the disappointing financials he noted.


I don't doubt the chairman's credentials as a fan. I also thank him for his efforts and financial backing which have been essential in recent seasons. I don't think that backing can be under-estimated. However, that doesn't mean he (or anyone else) is the right man for running the club. In that sense, perhaps substantial change in terms of a new chairman right now isn't the best idea but delivering a competent and experienced new CEO (and Bennett's body language was evasive when questioned about that) is key for the continuity and well-being of the club. 


In closing, I also don't doubt people are working hard to find improvement. However, that's the minimum I'd expect and it still doesn't mean these people (again on and off the park) are the right ones. As such, when the chairman talks about difficult financials and challenges, that's because of under-performance throughout the club in recent years during his watch. This was his chance to highlight that and promise change - both at board level and throughout other areas of the club. I remain unconvinced that accountability was either realised or going to be addressed. 


Our direction of travel remains far from clear.

Again, you've hit the nail on the head with your summation of what Bennett said (or didn't say) and where we are currently as a club (spiralling out of control).


Regarding getting back to Ibrox, I may have picked JB up wrong, but it sounded that September was a best case scenario but with caveats that this could slide. 


I don't think he needed to reiterate that we are improving Ibrox for the right reasons, I think we all know, understand and support this. However, it does make me nervous given we are planning to do similar in the Broomie so hopefully lessons will have been learnt.


Regarding accountability, the buck stops with JB. Simple questions like why work started prior to materials being on-site still remain unanswered. If we can't get simple stuff like this right, what chance have we of getting difficult decisions correct?


I have mentioned short, medium and long-term plans previously and would love to hear what ours are (high level). 


Maybe I'm asking for too much but we appear to be 100% reactive in everything we do, rather than be proactive. 


My vision for Rangers are to be leaders in every aspect, we are a million miles away from this with little or no reason to believe we'll able to turn it around either short or medium term. 


Whilst JB and others should be thanked for their investment they should not and can not be beyond scrutiny and accountability.


We need change and we need it yesterday otherwise we'll be 2nd best for abother decade or longer. I certainly aren't happy to accept that, who is? 

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You read some of the concerns above and wonder how people have survived until now. Your recent history saw you overcome far greater problems, the people in place, PR failures or not, will surely do their best to keep the club on the right track. What will happen is very much out of your hands, so perhaps you will want to wait and see what will actually happen? The ground-work thing is unfortunate and will probably cost additional money, bit shit happens.

With a bit of luck, Diomande will keep his form and some English or German team knocks in your door with 10 or 15 million in January. It will - sadly - not be Union Berlin.


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Using 2012 as an excuse is getting old.  While it has some validity, we have won the league and reached a European final since then.  We need to focus on getting back on top.  

Edited by Gonzo79
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