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Pre-Season Friendlies

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50 minutes ago, buster. said:

The second main root cause that comes alongside and in the main, thanks to Sir Duped, is our consistent habit of spending more money than we generate. Again, going back decades.....


....but despite plans to change for the better, we can't shake the habit and are still on the same path.



Spending money on the wrong type of players. Clement has easily identified this

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3 minutes ago, RANGERRAB said:

Spending money on the wrong type of players. Clement has easily identified this

I went on about it last summer, outside bets. That is the easy part.


Finding the money for the right type of player is much more of a challenge.

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35 minutes ago, buster. said:

Will it be Birmingham on Wednesday for Scott Wright or Sheffield?


Last summer it was Turkey.


McCausland will get most of the match in Birmingham. But as it stands Clement has Wright in his current starting XI.


McCausland needs to play very well on Wednesday and make the most of his chance.

I can't be the only one who thinks this is a mad path he's going down.


Even madder considering how McCausland finished the season.

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1 hour ago, buster. said:

We should still beat Hearts. The most important matches on the horizon are the CL qualifiers. 


If we were to go out at the first hurdle, there would be another financial hole to fill.


As I understand it, it would mean the loss of one European home gate plus the potential financial safeguard of around 5M€ for CL play off losers / chance to get into CL proper.


Would be interesting to know what we have budgeted for.



Yep. Sadly enough, we hardly ever get a look in and every year we see people trying their luck in analysing deals, transfers, the annual results and whatnot. While we won but the League Cup last season, the Scum despite their monetary riches, weren't a world apart. More like VARapart. Despite millions of CL money and transfer income - one does not dare to think what they could get if they get 10m+ for people like O'Riley. 


So we have to pull our punches wisely, and I assume Clement was made aware of that and the situation on the whole when he signed. Even if we don't get multi-million people in, there's still the chance of another Sima-style loan or two. Let's deal with the CL qualifiers when they come our way.

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1 hour ago, yuddie said:

That's true enough but no start for McCausland in the last two with Wright in his place suggests it's more a gameplan than readiness. Idk many who'd have him over the young man.


Lawrence is because his hand is forced but I'd still rather see Lowry get a chance. If something isn't working don't double down, find a solution - like the manager says he does.


The game wasn't too bad tbf, we created decent chances it's just the lack of quality we have in the final third is crippling us.


That could be mitigated a wee bit with better selection is what I'm saying, although not solved by any stretch. We need good recruitment.

I, too, should prefer that McCausland was the starter. However, I think that he has to give as many as possible a run out, or two, over the warm-ups games. 

He would be vilified by the support if he started players, in the early competitive matches, if these guys had not played since May. 


We were OK for 20 mins, or so, v ManUtd. We remain, however, sluggish of mind, and of body. 


Dessers is dug meat: slow. ponderous, persistently offside, and a shot like my old granny. But in the final third,  we are woeful generally, so maybe I should not single him out. 

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Jesus man I am so deflated about our prospects but never mind.

We have to gel as a team but we are trying to do so more than the Celic who are destroying samaller teams and receiving adulation from the mhedia.

As far as I'm concerned "The Road Is Long With Many a Winding Turn" so untill we have turned every turn let's keep believing.


Pessism/optismism Glass half full/empty it's up to you but please believe in our team.



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Though the way be long, so hard and long,

They’ll be joys and sorrows too.

As we journey on,

We will sing this song, for the boys in royal blue,

We’re often partisan, clap x3

We will journey on, clap x3....

Keep right on to the end of the road,

Keep right on to the end.

Though the way be long, let your heart be strong,

Keep right on to the end,

Though you’re tired and weary, still journey on,

’Til you come to your happy abode,

Where all you love, you’ve been dreaming of

Will be there....

At the end of the road!


And that, leaving aside, for the moment, those old, partisan, tunes which we may not sing on pain of death, or of a fate immeasurably worse (clue: it involves Sturgeon, a gaol cell, and a gimp suit), is, approximately, the Blues' (B'Ham City) anthem, possibly the best football song. It is one I have often thought we should have appropriated it, and made it our own. It seems to have become increasingly relevant in recent, difficult, times. 



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