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23 minutes ago, Devil's advocaat said:

Only PC knows the answer to that Cammy.

Off course, but it's a possibility.  He has already indicated that what he was told when taking the job, no longer stands. Add that to the Ibrox debacle, the time taken to get deals done, he's bound to be questioning if it's all worth it.


The club is spinning out of control and out "leaders" are all in hiding.

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The last thing we need is the manager buggering off, but if he's being lied to then it's understandable. I always thought it was going to take a few seasons to right the wrongs of the previous dof/manager so I will back Clement to do the job, however long it takes. Even so, the thought of septic pulling level with us on titles makes me feel sick. This may be a hard season for all bluenoses. As for last night debacle, well that's better left unsaid.

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I decided to avoid the Bear congregation and do some sightseeing today (Bierpinsel, Kaiser Wilhelm church and some unexpected journeys due to construction work on large parts of the S Bahn...somebody could've warned me!). 


My son and I had a good laugh at some cross dressers on the U Bahn and it has to be said that German blokes really should avoid black leather jackets - no matter how they wear them they look like they're in the SS. 🤣


Soviet memorial will be visited tomorrow, pre-match, in honour of our East Berliners.  I'm hoping to fit in Hitler's Schwerbelastungskörper and Bowie's apartment too but the S Bahn issue may hamper that.  


Mon The Rangers!  



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4 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

I decided to avoid the Bear congregation and do some sightseeing today (Bierpinsel, Kaiser Wilhelm church and some unexpected journeys due to construction work on large parts of the S Bahn...somebody could've warned me!). 


My son and I had a good laugh at some cross dressers on the U Bahn and it has to be said that German blokes really should avoid black leather jackets - no matter how they wear them they look like they're in the SS. 🤣


Soviet memorial will be visited tomorrow, pre-match, in honour of our East Berliners.  I'm hoping to fit in Hitler's Schwerbelastungskörper and Bowie's apartment too but the S Bahn issue may hamper that.  


Mon The Rangers!  



I do hope you're bringing one of these home as a wee memento .       





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