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[Official] Rangers announce departure of CEO James Bisgrove

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13 minutes ago, Devil's advocaat said:

Aye, let's become a soulless toy for a rich boy.

Couldn’t be any more soulless than it is at present it’s without soul without vision without heart without direction without defenders and i bet not much in the biscuit tin either. 😂😉

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I think he was good at getting commercial deals but never a CEO.  The Saudis have plenty of funds so will continually pluck useful persons from Europe.  Those who go have sold their soul.  


They are the worst kind of religious fundamentalists - Wahhabism is a disgusting thing that would've been wiped out decades ago if Westerners had cared about their safety instead of money.  


Not bothered by this at all.  

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Not a huge surprise to see James Bisgrove move on. One wonders if that may (or should?) be the first of a few boardroom changes this year as, despite some bright moments in recent seasons and some commercial improvements, John Bennett simply must address our continual failure on the pitch.


We can point to bad luck with injuries and poor player signings but all that leads back to those in senior leadership roles making questionable decisions since we secured our 55th title. Addressing the raft of bad decisions since then is not a quick fix so fans should be ready for more difficult times.


Our patience should not be taken for granted.

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12 minutes ago, Frankie said:

Not a huge surprise to see James Bisgrove move on. One wonders if that may (or should?) be the first of a few boardroom changes this year as, despite some bright moments in recent seasons and some commercial improvements, John Bennett simply must address our continual failure on the pitch.


We can point to bad luck with injuries and poor player signings but all that leads back to those in senior leadership roles making questionable decisions since we secured our 55th title. Addressing the raft of bad decisions since then is not a quick fix so fans should be ready for more difficult times.


Our patience should not be taken for granted.

What patience would that be ?

Our expectations don't match current reality


I would say loyalty with regard to attending football matches and spending money, rather than patience.


That isn't letting the boardroom off.

They have done a lot of things well but are often too short-termist in looking for the path to success, more especially in the football dept. They are also too sensitve to criticism and sometimes do things for a (very) short term clap on the back from the support but ultimately makes no difference.


That is, the board often bow to the impatience of the support (rightly or wrongly/dependent on individual circumstance).


Here s the thing....touching on Bisgrove/CEO.

I agree with Gonzo in that Bisgrove isn't and never will be CEO material. He is a commercial director, and apparently good at it. We need a CEO who will be strong, carry out the strategic vision of the board, meet resistance head on and map out a realistic path/timescale to where we want to go.


The main reason that Celtic have been, generally a stable, well run football club for the past two decades is Lawwell. We hate him, their support don't even like him or recognise what he has done for them but he has generally been the main driving force behind their strategies.


Would our support have the patience for a new CEO that didn't have a magic wand and told us some home truths ?



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My first thought when I heard this news was that Bisgrove probably wanted to leave last year but was persuaded to stay because Robertson was being moved out.  Counter-offers have a really poor long term success rate in general terms. 


We'll miss his ability to attract commercial deals and it seems like he was trying to do the right things with regards to fan communication in particular, but beyond that I'm not sure this will be a great loss.


We move on, though stability is desperately needed in all of the club's key roles, on and off the pitch.

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I think we need to replace Bisgrove with someone who can vastly improve the ROI on our playing staff wage bill and coaching / medical staff bill.


We are spending far too much on guys who are not good enough or always injured (i know stating the obvious).


By the looks of things we are trying to course correct if the transfer rumors so far are anything to go by, we are recruiting from lesser markets where we can streamline wages.


We need to stop bringing in guys like Lundstram and Lawrence who are on more money that any of the 3 Celtic midfielders. 


Otherwise, any of these commercial successes and great sponsorship deals are pointless. Its like getting a 5k wage rise but picking up a 10k per year cocaine habit.

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