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The Summer 2024 Rangers Transfer Window Rumours and Deals - Thread

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4 hours ago, Tannochsidebear said:

The Kabadayi one is a prime example of the nonsense spouted by the mhedia. Without a shred of evidence that we were really interested in buying this guy, no confirmation from selling club of a bid, nothing from our side either, just all made up and speculation, then when they are all proven wrong and the player joins a different club, they lead with "Rangers miss out on..." instead of we were wrong.

All pushes a narrative around our club.


I'll always say that I prefer radio silence about our signings. A bolt out of the blue is ideal.


For all his flaws, Ross Wilson had that for a wee while.

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Neutral reporting says £1.7M which seems high for a striker from the backwater’s backwater with so little goals but then that seems to be what we specialise in! I don’t watch you tube reels as even Dessers could look good there so I will wait and see what he brings if he gets anywhere near the first team.

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