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3 hours ago, Bluedell said:

Absolutely. Some Scots want them to lose through a healthy (albeit one-way) rivalry but many are xenophobic and their dislike/hatred of England is how their Scottish identity manifests itself.

Especially when Scotland were the worst team at the tournament!.

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Scottish reaction to England defeats is cringy. In fact, it's as cringy as Scottish people actively supporting England. 


Better off having no real interest in international football. The sooner its scrapped the better.

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Now it's the blame game  the usual bunch of television know it alls the managers getting it the  players are getting it  the thing that gets me  is most of   these well paid experts have never sat in the dugout as a manager yet they have all the answers doesn't matter a bit if you have played at the highest level it doesn't mean your going to be good at management i think Gary Neville had a go and got chased even at Ibrox we were glad to see the back of Ally so they should all remember they were lucky just to be players and not managers .

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3 hours ago, CammyF said:

Scottish reaction to England defeats is cringy. In fact, it's as cringy as Scottish people actively supporting England. 


Better off having no real interest in international football. 

I was supporting England after Scotland got eliminated. Not sure what's cringy about wanting a British team to do well.

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21 minutes ago, compo said:

Now it's the blame game  the usual bunch of television know it alls the managers getting it the  players are getting it  the thing that gets me  is most of   these well paid experts have never sat in the dugout as a manager yet they have all the answers doesn't matter a bit if you have played at the highest level it doesn't mean your going to be good at management i think Gary Neville had a go and got chased even at Ibrox we were glad to see the back of Ally so they should all remember they were lucky just to be players and not managers .

I don't think you have to have been a manager to have an opinion.

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1 hour ago, Bluedell said:

I was supporting England after Scotland got eliminated. Not sure what's cringy about wanting a British team to do well.

Apologies I should have been clearer. I was alluding to those support England first and foremost. 

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