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Looks like parts of Glasgow were left in one  almighty mess after the green brigade celebrations on Saturday I wonder if the Glasgow council will be after Celtic to pick up the bill like the did with Rangers after our last title win .

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  • Rousseau changed the title to Who's paying?

Councillors are most unlikely to impose penalties on themselves, their friends and relations.


Send the bill to Rangers. If they had done what they should have done, there would have been no greenfest.

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Glasgow MSP wants clubs docked points for fans disorder

By Stewart Paterson56 mins ago
John Mason MSP (Image: Newsquest)

Football clubs should be docked points or suffer partial stadium closures to prevent disorder during celebrations, according to a Glasgow MSP.

John Mason, Shettleston SNP MSP, called for football clubs to take responsibility for their fans behaviour following tens of thousands of Celticfans gathering at Glasgow Cross on Saturday.

Mason said he was in the area on Saturday evening and witnessed “unacceptable” behaviour.

READ NEXT: Glasgow businesses hit out after 'disruption' by Celtic fans


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