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Lundstram: renew or release?

Lundstram: Renew or Release?   

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Renew or Release?

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3 hours ago, stewarty said:

I think at Lundstram's age we would surely just be looking at a one or two year extension only?  That seemed to be the model for Arfield, Jack, McGregor and one or two others in recent years.  Saying that, I could well see that he wants to secure a long term deal and that might mean him moving on.


I think one year is the right approach but I doubt he would accept it and would move elsewhere for a longer contract term.


Lundstram has been a stalwart this season, particularly under PC, but this is exactly the right time to be finding his successor. I just hope this manager has more of an idea about the evolution of a playing squad than his predecessors.

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The poll is flawed. I don’t want to release JL but I don’t want to renew his existing contract. Bill is correct. Offer a one year contract on new terms. If he can do better elsewhere, thank you very much and goodbye with best wishes.

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3 hours ago, Blue Moon said:

Thanks for the stats Rousseau.  I don't read Ibrox noise.  He is very negative about the club and individuals and we get enough of that from our enemies but I have my doubts he is a Rangers fan.  

Yes, I agree. 


It's also just trash most of the time. 

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5 minutes ago, Franc Ergs said:

Because the Beale ballot was made public and some people are still banging on about it 😉 .

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8 hours ago, Franc Ergs said:

Because the Beale ballot was made public and some people are still banging on about it 😉 .

Aye, and some of the main protagonists would've settled for Warnock, which they seem to forget.... 

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17 hours ago, Tannochsidebear said:

I heard from a very good source a few days ago that if Jack plays another 3 games this season it triggers an automatic one-year extension. I heard PC isnt happy with that so dont expect to see him again unless in an emergency. 

That would be mental at the best of times but what makes it even more mental is that he has probably played a handful of games this season. What's the threshold for the trigger 10 - 15 games? madness.


Ryan Jack when fit an available is a good player for is but we could sign Zidane today and say the same thing about him, but the realism hits and neither would actually be able to play for 90 mins every week. O


Our squad needs more guys like Tav, Goldson, Lundstram that can play 2 games a week. Not 60 minute a month hero's.

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19 hours ago, Bluedell said:

You obviously haven't watched many games under Clement.

Watched em all actually. 


I don't get wrapped in emotion. 


My eye is always critical. 


Last day is quickly approaching for John.


His crystal is blinking red. 


Carousel awaits.



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