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[FT] Celtic 2 - 1 Rangers (Tavernier 88)

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There was, performance-wise, not much between the teams. One hit-and-hope volley through 6 players and one Kyogo-special. McCausland alone notched up three good chances, yet we again wasted too many for a game like this. In the end, they struggled to keep the result against 10-men.


I feared the worst when Tavernier and Goldson started their short-passes in defence again, which promptly lead to danger. Neither player is the future for us, maybe we can use Tav in a more forward role in right midfield, but for all his penalties and odd-good flanks per game, we need to see better defending. And I am saying that based not on today's game. No hatchet job.

Balogun solid as ever, they will say that this was a goal-scoring opportunity, and he was the last man, so going by the rules, we'd probably want a red card too.


Lundstram and Sterling work well together, they kept them at bay and the passes were okay too. Sterling was even pressing late on near their box.

Cantwell needs to make better, quicker decisions, especially in our half. Teams like the Yahoos will snap the ball off him and that creates danger.


Dessers up top worked his socks off, had few chances and probably wasted the one where he should have hit the ball instead of waiting for the foul.


Sima his usual self, dropped in and out of the game a little, but worked tirelessly too.


Butland rock solid. No chance at either goal, steal of the summer.


Star players then: McCausland and Ridvan!

That young winger showed no signs of fear in any game so far, not even at the Scumhut. Ran his socks off, created goals, tried his luck too. That side of our attack is in safe hands.

The Little Tiger likewise showed no signs of awe. Instead he gave us speed, agility and was always willing to have a go - both at goal and opponent. I think Borna's days are numbered.


Another OF game this season wrecked by the men in black('n Green), we'll have to soldier on and will do so.


Gut feeling says that 2024 will be good to us!

Edited by der Berliner
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3 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

Been hugely impressed by him since he came in! reminds me of the impact Bassey had when he came in.

His physicality is hugely important.  Wins lots of free kicks and is generally difficult for opposition players.  

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10 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

Big sterling was good today. Jersey his for the foreseeable 

Not for me.


Not because he hasn't been good - he's been great! - but because he's mostly just a defender; we need more from a central midfielder. 

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1 minute ago, Rousseau said:

I thought Tavernier (and the whole right side, to be fair) struggled defensively early on; all their chances were coming from that area.


I thought Clement then switched it, tasking Sterling with covering more, which, I thought, dried up their threat.   


Our press was off for the most part, too - or, again, only after they scored did it pick up. I'm not sure why we can't start how we mean to go on? 


We restricted them quite well, I thought, but they've taken good strikes from average-to-poor positions. 


I thought we were able to get our wingers into the game quite a lot, but decision-making let them down. 


I don't know what Dessers was thinking when he was through - after good pressing - at least cut across the defender so he can't get the ball!


Frustrating game. It just came down to moments, I thought. 

Agree with all of that tbh. I don't like to single out players but it is clear Dessers will be OK against the cannon fodder in this league. He'll probably get 15 goals this season IMO but if we can upgrade that attacking area today we win the game. 


Oh and Cantwell needs to gets his finger out of his ass and start imposing himself. He was busy but he just holds into the ball too long. 

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