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Do I Expect Too Much?


Sitting here reflecting on another glorious failure in Stuttgart, I have asked myself, do I expect too much from our football club? Stuttgart are the reigning German champions who whilst not having the best of starts to the season, have finally found some form and are a genuine force to be reckoned with. However, watching the game last night, I got the distinct impression that they were beatable, even in their own back yard. In fact, we were controlling the game, got a very good opening goal and sustained some exerted pressure (which you would expect) and were coasting as half-time approach. Then, like so many other times in Europe, we fell asleep and made an amateurish mistake. Their first goal changed the entire course of the game and established their tempo for the 2nd half.


We all witnessed the flair, skill, passing, movement of Stuttgart at the beginning of the 2nd half, but we�ll never know if they would have exhibited this if they hadn�t been allowed back into the game with the last kick of the 1st half. We then managed to pull ourselves back into the game when we were gifted an equaliser but (and maybe it was just cynical old me who was expecting this) then we went and shot ourselves in the foot and conceded a late goal. In retrospect, the difference between a draw and a defeat in the grand scheme of the group, is nothing really. We still have our own fate in our own hands and if we avoid defeat against Lyon, we will qualify. Like Scotland, this is a scenario that would have taken at the start of the group. However (here is the old pessimist coming out), like Scotland, I can see this ending in tears (I sincerely hope not).


Over the course of the group we have taken points from all other teams in the group, that in itself is no mean feat, but I feel that we are 2 or 3 points worse off than we should and could have been and staring the last 16 in the straight in the eyes with one qualification game to go. Instead, we look forward (with some trepidation I have to admit) to a very nervous 90 minutes against Lyon. Gaining the point we need is far from insurmountable, but come on Bears, weââ?¬â?¢ve all been here before. Finger nails will be bitten, sphincters will be twitching, underwear will be soiled ââ?¬â?? its going to be one of those nights!


Looking back over this CL campaign, you can not have failed to notice that some of our (youthful and inexperienced in CL terms) looking like they are struggling at times. If you watch a player like Hendami, he makes football look so simple ââ?¬â?? he does this against any opposition be it Gretna or Barcelona, where as, players like Adam, Thompson, Boyd, and others (and this isnââ?¬â?¢t a personal attack on anyone) look like rabbits staring into headlights. Hopefully they will learn and use these lessons to improve themselves and our team. Also, it is evident that teams at the highest level spot weaknesses and try to exploit them to their advantage. Teams have identified that our left back area is very weak and have tried to expose this ââ?¬â?? as Stuttgart did on numerous occasions last night. Again, this is not a slight on Sasha Papac who has filled in there admirably this season. This cannot take away from the fact that he is not a left back and against better teams he is left exposed. I also have concerns over Alan McGregor ââ?¬â?? I know that sounds strange as he has developed into a very decent keeper. But, that is the rub of the green, given that most of his predecessors were ââ?¬Ë?world classââ?¬â?¢, a very decent keeper is a step down for what we are used to.


Rangers FC should be in the later stages of the CL every season ââ?¬â?? that is what we must be aiming for ââ?¬â?? that is where not only the money is, it is where the prestige is. I know and understand that Walter Smithââ?¬â?¢s side / squad is still in its embryonic stage, but for me, qualification for the last 16 is so close, so tangible, that falling at the last hurdle will seem like failure (UEFA Cup parachute or not).


So the question is, am I expect too much of my team to qualify for the last 16 of the Champions League from a group that contains Lyon, Barca and Stuttgart (considering we were 4th seeds)?


A Case Of Two Findlay�s


We are all aware of what happened to Donald Findlay when he was hung out to dry by those he thought were his friends, and we will all remember the press assassination of Donald Findlay that followed and that is still going on to this day. It is interesting to note that Dr Jeanette Findlay has had a comparatively easy ride from those who chose to ââ?¬Ë?assassinateââ?¬â?¢ Donald Findlay. It was also interesting to note that Dr Jeanetteââ?¬â?¢s outburst came whilst trying to vindicate the stance of Celtic fans regarding the election of John Reid to the Celtc Board (funny how Mr Reid claimed that Celtc was an ââ?¬Ë?all encompassingââ?¬â?¢ club where ââ?¬Ë?politics were left at the doorââ?¬â?¢. Funny that, his predecessor spent years telling the gullible media and anyone else who was stupid enough to believe him, that they songs of bigotry and hate were merely political.


Anyway, I digress. Back to Jeanette and her repugnant views on the murdering scum that are the IRA. Apparently, according to Dr Findlay, it is OK, right on, morally correct to sing the praises of these murderers at Celtc Park ââ?¬â?? I am tempted to say, itââ?¬â?¢s the Celtc way, but the irony would be lost on any Celtc fan reading this. I wonder if Jeanette will face committees to see if she still has a job, face constant press harassment forcing her to the brink of suicide ââ?¬â?? or is this just another case of one rule for one, one rule for another. And to think, she is tasked with the education of Scottish students.


Cammy F

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Rangers FC should be in the later stages of the CL every season ââ?¬â?? that is what we must be aiming for ââ?¬â?? that is where not only the money is, it is where the prestige is. I know and understand that Walter Smithââ?¬â?¢s side / squad is still in its embryonic stage, but for me, qualification for the last 16 is so close, so tangible, that falling at the last hurdle will seem like failure (UEFA Cup parachute or not).


So the question is, am I expect too much of my team to qualify for the last 16 of the Champions League from a group that contains Lyon, Barca and Stuttgart (considering we were 4th seeds)?


I think if the oh so familiar "brave failure" of a Scottish team does occur, that we have to remember that going into the campaign the question was not would we make the last 16, but where would we pick up a single point. The group of death has rarely been such an apt term. Hard as it will be to take looking back on the way the group unfolded if we do follow in Scotlands footsteps I think we need to put it in context, a very good if unfortunate CL campaign. And unlike the national team we will have some kind of tangible reward in European football after christmas. Ok, if it was to occur many would be deeply upset and UEFA cup football will be of little solace, but I think we need to be realistic and not judge the teams performance in hindsight but instead give them credit for giving us hope in a group where we should have had none.


If you want to look at how cruel CL football can be, look at Stuttgart who were bottom of their group and out of Europe after 4 games, with not a single point collected. I bet the German media will not have been kind when their group contained a lowly Scottish outfit. Last I saw finalists and winners of previous years looked to be heading out tonight, so whilst disappointing it would be no disgrace.

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But is it not a case of getting a great and unexpected start to the CL,then the fans expectations rise ?.In reallity when the draw was made nobody expected too much apart from maybe squeezing third spot,we have sceured european football and could easily have beat Stuttgart and still go to the last game,so IMO we have had a good run and achieved a lot and could get the result we need against Lyon,but if we don't I certainly don't think it's been anything but exciting and rewarding with some great games and results.

At the start of the season all we wanted was to qualify for the CL,apart from the money,but also to enjoy a couple of good european nights at Ibrox and i've certainly enjoyed them and it's not finished,bring on Lyon for another great CL night at Ibrox

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I fully expect Uefa cup football for us after Xmas. Sorry to say that but I can see Lyon being right up for it, and I can see us playing with 1 man up front and making the kind of school boy errors like we did against Stuttgart.

I truly hope I am wrong but there you go.


As for the Findlay debacle, I can honestly say that I would expect nothing less from Scotland. Probably the main reason I really couldn't live there anymore. It is truly a seedy backwater with some very backward individuals getting into jobs of meaning. Even worse there are Rangers supporters who sing God save the Queen, and then in the same breath go out and vote for a Labour Party in Glasgow. Politics and religion should never mix - Glasgow City Council is the only place where it is a pre requisite.

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I realise and understand that we were drawn in the group of death, but even given that, surely a club of the stature of Rangers FC SHOULD be aiming for the last 16 of the CL EVERY season no matter who were are drawn against?


Is settling for anything less than the last 16 of the CL a systematic of the thinking / downsizing of ambition instilled by David Murray?


Cammy F

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I realise and understand that we were drawn in the group of death, but even given that, surely a club of the stature of Rangers FC SHOULD be aiming for the last 16 of the CL EVERY season no matter who were are drawn against?


Is settling for anything less than the last 16 of the CL a systematic of the thinking / downsizing of ambition instilled by David Murray?


Cammy F


Was getting to the equivalent stage of the European Cup a pre-requisite for fans prior to Murray? I ask genuinely as I wasn't around to experience pre-Murray Rangers.

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Was getting to the equivalent stage of the European Cup a pre-requisite for fans prior to Murray? I ask genuinely as I wasn't around to experience pre-Murray Rangers.


I would say it was - we did manage a few good runs in Europe pre-Souness and pre-Murray - notabely under JG when we defeated PSV and Juventus and went out in the 1/2 finals.


As I said in the title, maybe I do ask for too much for my club, but IMO Rangers should be in the last 16 of the CL most, if not all seasons.


Cammy F

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I would say it was - we did manage a few good runs in Europe pre-Souness and pre-Murray - notabely under JG when we defeated PSV and Juventus and went out in the 1/2 finals.


As I said in the title, maybe I do ask for too much for my club, but IMO Rangers should be in the last 16 of the CL most, if not all seasons.


Cammy F


I asked as I did not think it was a fair stick to beat Murray with (the down of ambition) if it was never previosuly a realistic target.

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Was getting to the equivalent stage of the European Cup a pre-requisite for fans prior to Murray? I ask genuinely as I wasn't around to experience pre-Murray Rangers.


Davie White(manager) lost his job after we were put out of Europe by Gornik so that expectation has always been there.

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Was getting to the equivalent stage of the European Cup a pre-requisite for fans prior to Murray? I ask genuinely as I wasn't around to experience pre-Murray Rangers.


it wasnt but given the amount of money murray chucked at smith and advocaat it should be now. advocaat was very unlucky in the cl but smith was rank rotten first time round

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