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Keith Jackson

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At last, one Scottish Journo who doesn't kiss Britneys ring :



In Jackson's column today he writes "word reaches me that one of the most pompous and least respected operators in this business had a pop at this column for daring to criticise the wretched Dr Jeanette Findlay. Nice try Corduroy boy, just a shame no one reads your stuff! You and the good doctor make a good match - hopelessly out of touch and irrelevant to the decent majority. Jog on Britney - your in danger of making a fool of yourself. Oops, too late!"



Cammy F

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britney plumbs new depths shocker!

nice one keith jackson! tide is turning against the great unwashed and they're gonna have to learn that the sectarian issue cuts both ways...'political songs' my arse!!!!


The tide is indeed turning,which was always going to happen,but i'm just glad that we the Rangers fans have worked hard to sort out our problems and it was only a matter of time before the unwashed get exposed for what they really are.

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