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Alan Hutton

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There's gonna be a shit loads of clubs linked with him in January, lets just hope he stays. I think he's one that will play for the jersey in the same mould as Ally, IFergie, Mccall, Gough, Hately even Gazza. Not gonna go on but I think and hope the boy loves the club and we have him for many years to come.


He cant be at a better club or family than the Rangers


I know what you are saying Jon.... but here are some differences that would make Hutton think twice....


1. McCoist came to Gers when wages were not exorbitant, so you could play more for the jersey as the financial rewards weren't as high.

2. Guys like McCall, Gough, Hateley, Gazza, Laudrup etc - they were signed in a time when SDM was paying excessive wages to players and was prepared to compete financially with the top clubs across Europe

3. These guys were playing at a time when the EPL (and other major European leagues) were not so far ahead of Scotland financially and, more specifically, when Rangers were not financially downsizing.

4. Rangers ARE now downsizing financially (although stabilised) and have introduced wage structures - even lower EPL cloubs can offer much more clout than Rangers can (actually, I bet even some Championship clubs can offer higher wages than we can !!).


In all fairness to Hutton, if he was offered 25k a week at Rangers (which would make him one of the top earners) but was offered 45 or 50k a week at an EPL team (not unreasonable, as I think it is rumoured Maloney is on 40k a week) then that is a HUGE amount of money to turn down (about 1 million additional wages per YEAR - on a 5 year contract.... 5 million quid before tax.....) - sorry but most of us would move for that, especially if to a Man U, Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea (Man U are rumoured to be interested and they dont come much bigger than that) - and how often do you get the chance to make it at such a top club ?


I wouldn't hold a grudge if Hutton left - but would be absolutely delighted if he did decide to stay !

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I agree too Craig. Offered that aount of money, I wouldnt hold it against him. He is still young though and already has a good wage, a wage he knows will be improved if he stays or goes. We can only hope he chooses to stay for a while yet.


The time of players now commiting themselves to a club for life is few and far between. We Have been lucky with the players we have that chose to do so, or in fact made such an impact and declared such a love for the club it appeared so.


We can only hope Hutton has the feeling of the club in his heart and stay for a good few years.

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He signes a new 5 year contract this year, so it would have to be an improved contract I'd think....


Same thing ya fussy homo :uzi:


And it may have to be new if he doesnt have certain clauses in it :flipa:

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Or Rangers may not renew it and tell him he will just have to stay at Ibrox - they dont HAVE to sell him when he is on a 5 yr contract - so I think Jon is right and you are wrong Gribz :fish:


No, thats circumstantional. I SUGGESTED we should GIVE him a new contract so the club could still do that. Unless there is already a clause in his current deal which says you only get an improved deal rather than a new one.


Jons head is going to start spinning reading this now :)

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No, thats circumstantional. I SUGGESTED we should GIVE him a new contract so the club could still do that. Unless there is already a clause in his current deal which says you only get an improved deal rather than a new one.


Jons head is going to start spinning reading this now :)


Is circumstantional a word ? You been taking lessons off L_a_T ?


I agree with you though, Hutton most definitely deserves an improved contract - he is a full international and is a key player for us (one of the top 2 or 3 in the team) so fully deserves to be recognised for that.

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Or Rangers may not renew it and tell him he will just have to stay at Ibrox - they dont HAVE to sell him when he is on a 5 yr contract - so I think Jon is right and you are wrong Gribz :fish:



No comment from Gribz ??????


I love being right :flipa:

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