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I felt that when JCD and Cousin came on against ICT, I would call that our strongest IX ( McGregor, Hutton Papac Weir Cuellar Ferguson Hemdani McCulloch Beasley JCD Cousin )and i hope Wattie realises that and doesnt sell...do we need to sell them? i'd say no so lets keep the team intact until we've won something and by that i mean the title.


I'd go with that with the exception of Smith for Papac.


I like Cousin but he doesn't seem interested in most games. I'd take �£1.5M and run! How much did we pay for him?

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I'd go with that with the exception of Smith for Papac.


I like Cousin but he doesn't seem interested in most games. I'd take �£1.5M and run! How much did we pay for him?


Same strongest team for me aswell (including Smith for Papac, although Papac is filling in well enough) bar Novo for Beasley.

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Back to the original point of the post:fish:


I think half of the stories over the weekend about Cousin Hutton etc were all journalistst making up stories to fill their papers. Is it just me or was it just a big coincidence that these stories appeared when the OF had a weekend off and there was very little else to write about

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Thing is...if he goes will we be able to replace him? i just hope the lure of continued CL football keeps him at ibrox for at least this season


I've always said,if a player wants to go let him go,no matter who he is,at the end of the day Rangers agreed to his contract,if it's true,so IMO he's entitled to use the clause in his contract,as for replacing him..................although he's a decent player i'm sure we can survive without him :cheers:

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Is it just me that thinks the get out clause is just in case things don't work out since his last club's fans hated him. i'd be sad to see the big fella go.


But if the clause states that the 2 mill has to be met,then you would assume he would have to be playing well for some-one to meet the fee,IMO from a players point of view it's a good thing to have in your contract

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I wonder who would buy him? Would he stay in Scotland or would he go England if someone came and bought him?


IF he was to leave I get a hunch it would be to move down south. I really cant see Motherwell or the likes coming in for him.

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