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Britian to enter a football team at the 2012 Olympics

Should Scottish players be involved?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Scottish players be involved?

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Absolute yes IMO.


GB enters, and football is a sport in the games.


It wouldnt necessarily have to be the strongest team like Gerrard, Rooney etc but a B team or squad players. Im sure the players from the lower leagues would even be up for representing us.


It would be split with 5 players from each NI, Wales, Scotland and England making a 20 man squad.

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Not a chance.


As a country we're going for independence from England and Wales so why should we enter a joint football team? Seems strange to me.


I can't see the fans from Scotland getting on with the fans from England. Riots!!

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Not a chance.


As a country we're going for independence from England and Wales so why should we enter a joint football team? Seems strange to me.


I can't see the fans from Scotland getting on with the fans from England. Riots!!


Nah, the olympics isnt a violent games and if its a squad made up of Derby, Kilmarnock, Cardiff and Linfield players then it will cause no trouble whatsoever.


The games are in London and i think a GB team is a great idea. Id prefer it to be good players but even if its a mix'n' match of any level of player id see it as a good idea.


We need a foreign manager though :fish:

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Look at when Woodward had the lions after he won the rugby world cup and he picked a load of ageing off form English boys ahead of decent Scots, Welsh and Irish.


I wont be supporting that team when they pick the likes of Robinson over Gordon. They can fuck right off with that.

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But this is football and the English football fans enjoy rioting.


and scottish fans enjoying being a parody of a stereotype and think they're great because they're not violent. hopefully the overly independent/nationalistic morons from either side will be weeded out, and those decent nice thinking folk'll realise that getting together to support a common cause when we're all on the same side isn't really such a bad idea.


eta: not implying by the above that anyone who doesnt support the idea is a moron, just that the moronic element (hooligans etc) will be weeded out because they'll be too nationalistic.

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