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Why Aren't Rangers Saying These Things?

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nice to read a bit of constuctive journalism for a change. But I hope that paul Leguens arrival isnt seen as a token gesture to combat sectarianism. He is here purely on merit in my eyes and as the artice said race creed or colour do not come into question when playing in a blue jersey. Ps i hope speirs has a good read of this article and takes note of how it is written. No mud slinging or slanderous remarks to outrage anyone, a positive and well balanced piece by the writer who has obviously taken time out to research the subject before taking his pen out of the inkwell.

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A fantastic article in the Scotland Herald regarding Linfield and the friendly against Rangers on Thursday - I just hope that one day, our manager and board members could be as open, frank and understanding of the positive aspects of being Presbyterian and having a Protestant heritage.




Cammy F


Agreed Cammy i read that earlier. I also had the thoughts, is it possible for a newspaper to be bigoted against a football team. The Herald seem to be the ones with the biggest problem about sectarianism. They seem to see shadows behind everything we do or say. If we had of played Dundee utd in a friendly it would of been because they wear orange shirts. They seem to want report the bad things but not the good. Even Paul le Guens religion is bugging them it seems. How could a fine catholic boy join a sectarian team they seem to imply. In fighting sectarianism they have become sectarian themselves.

Anything to sell papers i suppose.

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