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RSA meeting with club

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Meeting Argyle House Boardroom, Ibrox Stadium

Wednesday 17th May 2023


Rangers Attendees:

James Bisgrove, Stewart Robertson, Greg Marshall

RSA Attendees:

John McEwan, James Minelly, Brian Taylor and Allan McEwan



Exec Update 

Update on the recent changes at Exec Level, some have still to be formally confirmed and that will be resolved in the coming days with Stewart to continue in his role until end July


New CEO top priorities, most of the items he covered were also included in his now broadcast RTV interview. New signings the top priority, plans coming along well, continued push on revenues and investments on and off the park, confirmed plans around disabled access now submitted, various stadium works


Fan Engagement is a priority and an important part of strategy and clear communication, different layers of fan engagement would be put in place, direct CEO sessions at Edmiston House on a quarterly basis, potential fan advisory board, continuing direct engagement with the various groups


RSA Update

An update on the recent RSA, Open Event at the Village Hotel including feedback from those who attended, we also updated our interactions with other fan groups and reiterated we are an independent organisation with clear objectives to benefit our member clubs 


Communication, we touched the importance of clear messaging from the club ongoing and that the RSA would help whenever appropriate


The RSA presented a summary underlying importance of supporter clubs and the value they bring to the table, this was not discussed in full, we urged the RFC management team to review, and we would follow up at our next meeting


Away Games

The RSA again raised the issue of the original RSA 30% allocation for away tickets from Rangers, we made the case strongly for a review and that we would continue to campaign on this matter on behalf of our member clubs

·      A request was made to Rangers to actively contact other clubs at the start of the season requesting increased allocation, Rangers advised that talks with other clubs do occur and assured that they will continue to ask for more tickets for our fans

·      It was acknowledged that RFC were looking at the ticket situation for old firm games, including the return of away fans from next season

·      Travel Security and Stadium access, various items discussed about Easter Road, Tynecastle, they thanked the RSA for the submission about our next game against Hibs and more updated info to follow ahead of the game

·      Police Scotland have also committed to looking at alternative exit routes from Aberdeen for next season, no guarantee but everyone looking to avoid a repeat of this season’s issues



Season Tickets

·      RSA raised the issue around the new rule with a welfare call placed after 4 consecutive games missed by season ticket holders, the RSA would like to understand in more detail how this will work. The problem of non-attendance has been high this season, examples provided including a large number against Aberdeen

·      RFC highlighted the benefit of seat sub and if posted early >95% success rate of selling on and Mygers points allocated, and you get following year season ticket discount.  RFC will do more on promoting seat sub, although this is only an option for league games currently

·      The club acknowledges the challenges faced by supporters financially and will factor that into ticket pricing. Ticket Prices for Allan McGregor testimonial will be set by the testimonial committee

·      The new ticketing system remains on schedule to launch at some point during season 2023/24



·      Lengthy discussion around this topic, from the results of our survey, the meeting held with Rangers and feedback at our Open Event

·      RFC indicated they would welcome further detailed proposals from the RSA, with suggested improvements to the membership scheme. MyGers now has 53,000 members and this is expected to grow into the new season and beyond

·      The RSA again stated that we accept the value of a membership scheme, but remain unconvinced about the value of linking match tickets to MYGERS and the impact of our member clubs

·      RFC will be holding interviews with focus on MYGERS with Q & A type approach with fan media

·      Changes to Mygers next season, the Higher Category status for games such as Aberdeen Celtic Hearts and Hibs will return, resulting in supporters not being disadvantaged for higher category games by receiving tickets for lower category matches

·      For domestic games 60% of people on Silver did not take up their ticket, a 5 point MYGERS penalty for doing this will be introduced to discourage people signing up for games and then not taking tickets up

·      For European away games if Gold sells out you will get 5 points, if Silver sells out you will get 10 points and Bronze sells out you will get 15 points



General Items

·      Destination Travel are the first team travel partner. They could possibly lay on aircraft for fan travel to locations that are difficult to reach if necessary. The key decision to travel or not would be communicated extremely early to supporters and the cost of the package would be a factor in determining if any flight should run

·      Work around the stadium would continue over the summer, new Wi-fi due to be installed with speeds far in excess of what is currently available

·     Rangers have worked with Northern Irish supporters’ coaches and Police Scotland to offer NI buses access to the first spots in Helen Street to allow a quick exit post-match.  The club acknowledges the challenges they supporters have faced with ferry travel being challenging and endeavour to assist where possible

·      Sports Bar awaiting planning permission

·      Next meeting would be scheduled for the start of the season, although the offer was made by RFC incoming CEO that he could be contacted directly on any specific issues



Edited by BEARGER
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