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Club1872 Marketing Project Poll

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Poll: Marketing Project Poll 

Dear Contributor,

Early this year, the Club 1872 Board presented the work done on the marketing side of the organisation to Contributors at our annual meeting (postponed from December 2022). We indicated to Contributors that we would seek your permission to build on this work and we are now doing so.

Our legacy campaign was hugely successful in terms of income and brought significant funds into the organisation which allowed us to continue to purchase shares and maintain our position as a major shareholder in RIFC - even with further unexpected levels of investment by other shareholders during that period. We wish to build on that success and encourage more understanding amongst the Rangers support of the benefit of fan representation and a major shareholding in the club. The options for further share purchases, projects and potential further investment directly into Rangers as we engage with new RIFC Chairman, John Bennett, can be greatly enhanced through growing our Contributor base.

We remain constrained by budget and have assessed during our work last year that additional project funding is required to allow us to grow interest in supporter representation and ownership. We have been able to identify target audiences and test various marketing strategies in the past year and now wish to build on that work with a targeted marketing campaign, which will be tracked and assessed as we move forward.

We require Contributor approval for a project budget to be set aside to fund the delivery of that strategy. The budget required will be up to £21,000 and this will cover the purchase of digital marketing slots on social media including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. It will also cover the purchase of any professional services required to produce the digital marketing materials required for the campaign and marketing and social media support to ensure an "always on" campaign over six months.

The Club 1872 Board has elected for a six month campaign so that we can assess the effectiveness after that time and update Contributors on whether the strategy is meeting its goals of growing the number of Club 1872 Contributors and increasing income. Contributors can expect to see significant improvement in our social media activity and engagement over this period. Following that, we will return to Contributors for approval for any further budgetary requirement.

The funds used will come from the Club 1872 Projects CIC with the aim of advancing fan representation and share ownership for Rangers supporters. We believe that increasing the number of supporters who are part of Club 1872 would be of great benefit to the Rangers community and Rangers Football Club in the short, medium and longer term.

The poll closes on Wednesday, 3rd May at midnight.

Contributors can vote by logging into their Club 1872 account on the website and following the link to vote. Alternatively you can follow the Surveys link in the My Account area of the site. 

Club 1872

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Poll Result: Club 1872 Marketing Project

Dear Contributor,

Club 1872 has been polling Contributors over the past week on the Club 1872 Marketing Project. 

The result of the poll is as follows:

Yes - 81.33%

No - 18.67%

The Board would like to thank Contributors for their support of this project.

Club 1872

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I can't ever remember seeing the number of votes cast in these Club1872 polls being revealed.


I don't know how many they have who are eligible to vote but it looks like all of 61 voted yes and 14 voted no.

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