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[FT] Rangers 3 (Morelos 13'; Goldson 39'; Tillman 63') - 0 Motherwell

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7 minutes ago, CammyF said:

It may be a rhetorical question, but why do some Rangers fans go to games?

Might be a sh**e answer but for me it is simple----to watch the team I have supported for over 60 years,have done the old singing bit in past but am now a genteel pensioner still following MY team.

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7 minutes ago, MacK1950 said:

Might be a sh**e answer but for me it is simple----to watch the team I have supported for over 60 years,have done the old singing bit in past but am now a genteel pensioner still following MY team.

That's fair and fine, but for a crowd of circa 49,000 every week, at times you can hear a pin drop. 


The atmosphere at times can be toxic towards our own players (around me anyway), with all players, sh1t, sh1tbags, not interested, needing dropped etc  


I do wonder the motivation of some of our fans. It seems to me that they need us to play bad (or lose) for some reason. 

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  • Rousseau changed the title to [FT] Rangers 3 (Morelos 13'; Goldson 39'; Tillman 63') - 0 Motherwell
10 hours ago, CammyF said:

I do wonder the motivation of some of our fans

I think a lot of it comes down to habit/ritual and they don't enjoy going to watch Rangers.  


There also seems to be a bit of a disconnect between the club/squad and support at the moment, which is making it a bit worse than usual.  


I'm sick of the sight of many members of the current squad (I tend not to moan at matches though, other than an occasional "FFS" outburst).  

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42 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

I think a lot of it comes down to habit/ritual and they don't enjoy going to watch Rangers.  


There also seems to be a bit of a disconnect between the club/squad and support at the moment, which is making it a bit worse than usual.  


I'm sick of the sight of many members of the current squad (I tend not to moan at matches though, other than an occasional "FFS" outburst).  

I agree with most of that - been going for 40+ years and it is now "habit" more than enjoyment (unless I have one or both my twins with me).


The disconnect from the club in my case goes way back to SDM time and I have never gotten it back and dare say I never will. Thanks to the events during and after SMD reign, I now have an unhealthy mistrust of our board(s).


As for players, I really don't and never have "slated" them during games as I (maybe naively) think they try their best. They don't pick themselves.


Personally, I've been threatening to "Jack it" for over two decades but habit kicks in and I renew year after year. 


However given one of my twins is getting seriously into Rangers I may give up my season and take him as and when tickets are available.

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Where we are in the Main Stand is thankfully generally very supportive of the team.  It takes a lot for them to turn on players but you can hear it from other areas the minute a player makes a mistake.  I don't believe it is helping the team to recover their confidence.

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12 hours ago, CammyF said:

That's fair and fine, but for a crowd of circa 49,000 every week, at times you can hear a pin drop. 


The atmosphere at times can be toxic towards our own players (around me anyway), with all players, sh1t, sh1tbags, not interested, needing dropped etc  


I do wonder the motivation of some of our fans. It seems to me that they need us to play bad (or lose) for some reason. 

Once bitten twice shy.


Rangers traditionally have held managers for years.


The team are now on their third in as many years.


Beale is very much on probation.


However, the big one is next.


A good showing against them on 2 Jan, and noise will resume in earnest.



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MB’s big test will be recruitment. It went a long way to finishing GvB. Any manager who signs a load of players who can’t get in the team will always end up in trouble. 

Few expect us to realistically win the league this season therefore who stays, who goes and who comes in next summer is vital for the season ahead

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13 hours ago, CammyF said:

It may be a rhetorical question, but why do some Rangers fans go to games?


The atmosphere tonight was abysmal (it alway is apart from European games) and around me (BF4), fans on players backs from very early into game. 


Then to top it all, 2 guys behind me lasted an entire 6mins before declaring how sh1t the game was and promptly buggered off to The Louden. 

It’s not entirely new. I’ve been at games when the slow handclap (does that still exist?) would start before twenty minutes after which the crowd, 50,000 + mostly standing, would wait in sullen silence until something happened. I remember one match in the early sixties, with the legends on the park and goalless approaching half time and the patrons snarling and muttering. A huge bloke from one of the Fife clubs started bellowing at those around him to stop moaning and sing the Rangers songs. He then gave a complete and powerful rendition of Follow Follow unaccompanied and in utter silence. When he finished the carping resumed.


Rangers supporters are an entitled bunch. “The team owes us. We don’t owe them” seems to be the attitude. At least in the old days the pubs didn’t open until 5pm so there was nowhere else to go. It’s not the first time I’ve heard about people arriving and leaving almost immediately. I don’t know why the alkies don’t just go to the pub where they’re obviously happiest and let football fans get their seats.

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16 hours ago, CammyF said:

That's fair and fine, but for a crowd of circa 49,000 every week, at times you can hear a pin drop. 


The atmosphere at times can be toxic towards our own players (around me anyway), with all players, sh1t, sh1tbags, not interested, needing dropped etc  


I do wonder the motivation of some of our fans. It seems to me that they need us to play bad (or lose) for some reason. 

The motivation is loyalty and above all ... hope. Hope that the team will produce a performance worth getting excited about.


Whether anyone like it or not, crowds react, they don't take the lead. If the team serves up mind numbing crap, the crowd will respond accordingly. If the team wants backing from the crowd, they have it in their own gift to generate it. In general, the atmosphere at Ibrox is only a reflection of what's happening on the park.

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8 minutes ago, Bill said:

The motivation is loyalty and above all ... hope. Hope that the team will produce a performance worth getting excited about.


Whether anyone like it or not, crowds react, they don't take the lead. If the team serves up mind numbing crap, the crowd will respond accordingly. If the team wants backing from the crowd, they have it in their own gift to generate it. In general, the atmosphere at Ibrox is only a reflection of what's happening on the park.

But that doesn't explain why the atmosphere was terrible during 9-in-a-row (for the most part), or when we were winning leagues, cups and in some cases trebles under DA, Eck and Sir Walters 2nd period in charge.


We played some fantastic football under DA and Eck yet the atmosphere was flat (with the exception of The Blue Order). 

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