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Anyone Attending the Club AGM?

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1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

I know what Cammy means.  Robertson comes across as a bit of a pushover.  I'd prefer a more forceful man in his position.  

Someone made a good point about him in a previous discussion.


It was that the criticism he gets often appears to assume that he is a chief executive rather than a managing director.


Do we really need a more forceful managing director?

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42 minutes ago, CammyF said:

I actually think Bennett would be better in the role than Robertson. I thought his interview a few months back came over as condescending but at least he attempted to engage whilst Park and Robertson shied away.


Said earlier, Davie Weir is building a great reputation for himself as Technical Director at Brighton. Probably out of our reach, but would be a good alternative to Park and / or Robertson. 



What is it about Bennett, or Weir, that would make either one a good fit for the particular role of managing director?

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4 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:

What is it about Bennett, or Weir, that would make either one a good fit for the particular role of managing director?

Articulate, strong, knowledgeable.


Bennett has been, and continues to be a success in fund management (managing around £6 billion worth of assets). 


Are you aware of the work Weir is doing at Brighton? Worth a bit or research. I was unaware until someone on another forum mentioned him. 


Now humour me, why wouldn't they be? 


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2 hours ago, stewarty said:

I think we are in danger of over-egging the current situation.  Things can change quickly and we need steady heads, not reactionary short-termism.


The backdrop is poor communication, but that can be fixed.  

Results need to improve but they recognised it wasn't working with Gio and made the change.   

Thank god we have a game to watch tomorrow.

John Bennet brought the subject up in the interview to RTV.

David Graham was then moved on.

Various things went Pete Tong and they clammed up.

Nothing was mentioned about it in the AGM.

I don't know who has taken on the remit David Graham had.



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21 minutes ago, buster. said:

John Bennet brought the subject up in the interview to RTV.

David Graham was then moved on.

Various things went Pete Tong and they clammed up.

Nothing was mentioned about it in the AGM.

I don't know who has taken on the remit David Graham had.



Also worth noting at last years AGM Robertson stated fan engagement and customer service were the "top priority". 


A year on and nothings changed and could be argued its gotten worse. 

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2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

I know what Cammy means.  Robertson comes across as a bit of a pushover.  I'd prefer a more forceful man in his position.  

I suggest you have no idea how forceful or otherwise Robertson is. 

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1 hour ago, ranger_syntax said:

Someone made a good point about him in a previous discussion.


It was that the criticism he gets often appears to assume that he is a chief executive rather than a managing director.


Do we really need a more forceful managing director?

Is there a difference?

Edited by Bill
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2 hours ago, CammyF said:

How am I looking ridiculous? 


What "bizarre" insults am I throwing around?


Was Robertson a success at Motherwell? 


Does Park stike you as someone who is comfortable speaking in public?


Didn't Bennett sound condescending in his interview?


We're subsequent interviews get pulled due to the reaction of fans after 1st interview?


Are the board "best in class" when it comes to operation issues at our club?


If you are happy with the opperations of the club and board then fine, I'm happy for you but I'm not.


If you don't like what I post, simply ignore it.

I think you’ve worked yourself into a froth about nothing, other than displaying your petulance. You said it all several times, try to move on, it’s boring. 

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9 minutes ago, Bill said:

I think you’ve worked yourself into a froth about nothing, other than displaying your petulance. You said it all several times, try to move on, it’s boring. 

How have I worked myself into a froth?? Where have I displayed petulance? 


Noticed you've conveniently not answered the questions I asked which is something of a speciality of yours.


If your finding it boring, you can simply skip over my posts, or put me in your ignore list.

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17 minutes ago, CammyF said:

How have I worked myself into a froth?? Where have I displayed petulance? 


Noticed you've conveniently not answered the questions I asked which is something of a speciality of yours.


If your finding it boring, you can simply skip over my posts, or put me in your ignore list.

ragin GIF by SB Nation

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