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[FT] Rangers 4 (Colak 27'; Lundstram 45+3'; Tavernier 51'; Morelos 85') - 1 Aberdeen

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1 minute ago, craig said:

Does Tav put a tackle in ?  He certainly didnt when he spewed Livi's goal last week...... yet, interestingly, I don't see quote the same furore over Tavernier from many of our fanbase.

Tav has had more of his fair share of criticism from the support over his time here. FFS Tav etc. Much of it deserved. But ultimately he is on a different level as a player to Barisic. 

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1 hour ago, craig said:

Under the SNP government it surely equates to a hate crime

Bugger the SNP. They’d have us all gagged and locked in cages if they could. I’d rather have freedom to say what we want, when we want, how we want - even if it occasionally offends. 

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1 hour ago, Bill said:

Bugger the SNP. They’d have us all gagged and locked in cages if they could. I’d rather have freedom to say what we want, when we want, how we want - even if it occasionally offends. 

Oh I don't disagree at all.  Am I offended by their banner ?  Not at all.  Indeed, I chuckled at how poor an attempt it was. 


However, it is the lopsidedness that has people all bent out of shape.  If that was Kill all (add any Celtic adage) then the usual suspects would be all over it in an attempt to paint Rangers fans as bad.  This will be met with "it is just craic" or "it isnt that bad".


They created the hate crime bill (which is an abomination in itself) - but if they have introduced it as law then they should be enforcing that law !


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1 hour ago, craig said:

Oh I don't disagree at all.  Am I offended by their banner ?  Not at all.  Indeed, I chuckled at how poor an attempt it was. 


However, it is the lopsidedness that has people all bent out of shape.  If that was Kill all (add any Celtic adage) then the usual suspects would be all over it in an attempt to paint Rangers fans as bad.  This will be met with "it is just craic" or "it isnt that bad".


They created the hate crime bill (which is an abomination in itself) - but if they have introduced it as law then they should be enforcing that law !


If it's even handedness you're after I suggest you need to try a different shop because they stopped serving that in this shithole a long time ago. It's best not to hanker after something you already know doesn't exist and never will unless we find ourselves under very different management.

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4 hours ago, onevision said:

IMO Borna gets far too much unjustified abuse. I urge fans to watch when he gets the ball how little movement there is upfront and in midfield with no one willing to come short thus why he keeps needing to turn back. That did change on Saturday though as the teams movement in general was way better. 

I take your point but Borna's classic game is hug the touchline, receive the ball, take four strides forward, stop, turn around, pass the ball backwards, ad fucking nauseam. He looks for one pass - down the wing - never comes inside, never leaves the touchline, never tries a different approach. He drives me insane watching his chickenshit performances most days. He's another of our players who suck the tempo out of games and seems too terrified of being criticised to ever express himself. Now and then he shows confidence and positivity but far too seldom to see him as anything other than a selection of last resort.

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2 minutes ago, Bill said:

I take your point but Borna's classic game is hug the touchline, receive the ball, take four strides forward, stop, turn around, pass the ball backwards, ad fucking nauseam. He looks for one pass - down the wing - never comes inside, never leaves the touchline, never tries a different approach. He drives me insane watching his chickenshit performances most days. He's another of our players who suck the tempo out of games and seems too terrified of being criticised to ever express himself. Now and then he shows confidence and positivity but far too seldom to see him as anything other than a selection of last resort.

In other words he's a dumpling 

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4 hours ago, craig said:

We will need to agree to disagree.  Like it or not, Borna has been one of our best performers this season, if no the best.  Best of a bad bunch ?  Perhaps.  But better than plenty others who get a fraction of the abuse he gets.  Tavernier, for example, goes backwards fairly often too - and yet there are nowhere near the same howls of derision that Borna gets.  Does Tav put a tackle in ?  He certainly didnt when he spewed Livi's goal last week...... yet, interestingly, I don't see quote the same furore over Tavernier from many of our fanbase.


And, yes, I would call that being a whipping boy.

IMO Barisic has been nowhere near our best player this season. I'm all for seeing the good in players but you're pushing credibility here. One thing I will give Barisic though - he has outshone Tavernier for weeks and if it wasn't for Yilmaz he might currently be described as our best fullback.

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4 hours ago, craig said:

Sands played well in both roles (I actually think he CAN play the DM role as he reads the game well - but if we play him there then we don't need another alongside him - interestingly, him playing in there allowed Lundstram to play further forward and get his goal)

That's exactly why Lundstram and Jack often performed well together

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