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Club1872, King and Rangers board

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2 hours ago, CammyF said:

Yeah and no credible voice for fans (unless the RSA step up).

There has never been a credible voice for fans. Not one, ever.

So-called fans groups have never sought to be a voice for all fans and have always pursued a narrow sectional agenda.


Also, other than the AGM and as required by company law, the board has absolutely no obligation to communicate with fans. That it does so, however well or badly, is a sign the board accepts it is in everyone's interest that channels do remain open. Unfortunately, Club1872 has become a barrier to good communication and has only succeeded in making the board wary of open dialogue. 


Club1872 doesn't represent me or the vast majority of Rangers fans in any way at all. It only assumes to talk for those who are willing to pay for the privilege .... y'know, mugs.

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42 minutes ago, Bill said:

Also, other than the AGM and as required by company law, the board has absolutely no obligation to communicate with fans. That it does so, however well or badly, is a sign the board accepts it is in everyone's interest that channels do remain open.

It could be argued that they do have an obligation. Directors must consider the need to support business relationships with customers and others. It's obviously open to interpretation but there is an argument to say that they're not doing enough.

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7 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

It could be argued that they do have an obligation. Directors must consider the need to support business relationships with customers and others. It's obviously open to interpretation but there is an argument to say that they're not doing enough.

Of course there's an argument but that doesn't amount to an obligation. If you're hinting at fiduciary duty of directors then you're barking up a dead tree.

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The board may not have an obligation to engage with the fans, but it makes sense to keep the fans as "onside" as possible, and engagement is the best way to achieve this. 


The board were recently shamed / embarrassed into commencing engagement with fans and make a pigs ear out of it. Firstly putting the interviews on RTV (behind paywall, before releasing them free to air), then pulling further planned interviews due to the negative reactions to the initial interviews.


Since then, the board have retreated into their shell's and are back to stay silent and ignoring the fans. Maybe Club1872 are trying to embarrass the board into speaking to their members and hats off to them, they've put the board in a no win situation. That's not Club1872s fault, it's the boards fault. 


I had a healthy disrespect for David Murray but have to say, that anytime I wrote to him, he had the curtesy to reply (usually blowing smoke up my arse), or forwarded my letter to the person at Ibrox who was best placed to respond (they would typically ignore me). 


There will never be one organisation who will speak for the majority of Rangers fans, its impossible due to the size of our fanbase. 


There will always been fractions in a support of our size, but think the badt majority all want the same thing, and I'll borrow a phrase from Mr Robertson, Rangers to be best in class in all "pillars" of the club. 


Best in class does not ignore their fans, it does not mislead its fans and it shouldn't take the fans everlasting loyalty for granted. 

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4 minutes ago, CammyF said:

There will never be one organisation who will speak for the majority of Rangers fans, its impossible due to the size of our fanbase. 

I don't accept that and I don't think there's a shred of evidence to back it up. Perhaps you mean that it would be impossible to have every fan agree with what the group does at all times ... but that's a completely different issue.


A properly constituted fans group that represents all fans is perfectly possible but the fundamental place to start is where no group has ever gone before - to make it clear from the outset that its sole mission is to serve as a conduit between all fans and the club, at all levels. Not just some fans and not for certain narrow objectives determined conveniently from time to time by an inner circle. That would probably mean keeping Rangers' shortest serving director as far away as possible.


Fundamentally, if your aim is improved communication between club and fans' representatives then you have to start by acting in a constructive manner and not the adversarial tactics of Club1872, which acts at every turn like it wants to be at war with the directors of the club.



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Just now, Bill said:

I don't accept that and I don't think there's a shred of evidence to back it up. Perhaps you mean that it would be impossible to have every fan agree with what the group does at all times ... but that's a completely different issue.


A properly constituted fans group that represents all fans is perfectly possible but the fundamental place to start is where no group has ever gone before - to make it clear from the outset that its sole mission is to serve as a conduit between all fans and the club, at all levels. Not just some fans and not for certain narrow objectives determined conveniently from time to time by an inner circle. That would probably mean keeping Rangers' shortest serving director as far away as possible.


Fundamentally, if your aim is improved communication between club and fans' representatives then you have to start by acting in a constructive manner and not the adversarial tactics of Club1872, which acts at every turn like it wants to be at war with the directors of the club.



Isn't that RSA and the fans liason officer? 

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Just now, Bill said:

I don't think so but if it is then a universal fans' group must be possible after all.


The RSA could be the conduit, they represent Supporters Clubs and their members so a significant number of fans who travel home and away to follow Rangers. 


The SLA could also be whats required, but not how its currently structured. Frankfurt have a full department dedicated to fan liason, we have one guy. 


No mater who it was, they would be labeled "blazer chaser" by some, "puppets" by others and demonised by some.


The majority of middle ground fans would probably accept and support this, but the lunatic fringe (which we can't deny we have, I'm probably part of it 😀) wouldn't. Thats why I say it's not possible. 


How many attempts have we had? They've all failed for one reason or another. 

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41 minutes ago, CammyF said:


The RSA could be the conduit, they represent Supporters Clubs and their members so a significant number of fans who travel home and away to follow Rangers. 


The SLA could also be whats required, but not how its currently structured. Frankfurt have a full department dedicated to fan liason, we have one guy. 


No mater who it was, they would be labeled "blazer chaser" by some, "puppets" by others and demonised by some.


The majority of middle ground fans would probably accept and support this, but the lunatic fringe (which we can't deny we have, I'm probably part of it 😀) wouldn't. Thats why I say it's not possible. 


How many attempts have we had? They've all failed for one reason or another. 

No, if it’s going to be half-arsed then we can stick with what we’ve go. There can’t be a two-tier approach to fans. ALL fans should have an equal voice, whether they have season tickets or live in New Zealand and never attend games. Every supporter has a stake in the club. 

As for previous attempts, they failed because they existed for the wrong reason and were never constituted for the right reasons. 

I do agree with you that the club also needs to step up and be serious. 

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I would love a strong Rangers fans group.  What we have is a hotchpotch of RSA (I don't belong to a club) and RST which is tarnished and I wouldn't touch with a barge pole.  We need one organisation for all with no perks for those who liaise with the club.

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