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David Graham resigns

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9 hours ago, RANGERRAB said:

Sorry to hear his reasons for resigning but he was too ‘low profile’ for me. We need someone who openly confronts the Rangers-hating pond life in the Scottish mhedia

The lower profile the better, we just need someone who is very good at their job and is allowed to do it properly rather than be happy or hamstrung in our now customary no-mans land.


No-mans land is a place where you say or have said the right things to keep the fans onside, but don't always mean them.......and that it often isn't enough for fans, anyway. ie. nothing works, nobody is happy.



Regarding the type of profile you refer to, it corresponds more with a CEO type role.


The mix of Robertson as MD and Graham as Head of Communications didn't work IMO.

Nor does a policy of trying to appease the fans but only going half way.


Burning bridges was all the rage on messageboards back in 2015, still is.

I said seven years ago on FF that it wasn't the way to go. You have to pick your 'fights/conflicts' carefully, ones that you can win and not get bogged down. You also have to build some bridges, where it might be advantagous in the medium to long term.


IMO, we need a competent and confident CEO who knows when and how to approach the external environment, alligned with and supported by a head of communications who knows what he is doing.  

Edited by buster.
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10 hours ago, CammyF said:

Where would one send their CV if they fancied applying? Asking for a friend 🤪

If you plan to take boxing gloves into meetings with the Scottish press, I'll be more than happy to provide you with a glowing reference.

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I'm all in favour of having the manager and players interviewed before and/or after matches but I've never understood why the questions have to be asked by members of the press corps. While there's no doubt some pointless contractual obligation, I'd much rather questions were asked by accredited representatives of supporters' organisations, podcasts, etc. There's no shortage of good people who are more than capable of doing a far better job than the media goons we have at present.


We broadcast our own TV and radio coverage and manage our own raft of social media platforms, so I can't understand why we continue to rely on a largely hostile media to act as a link between club and fans at "pressers".

Edited by Bill
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It's difficult to say how good he was or wasn't at his job. He was probably acting within the guidelines set out for him, and while many may think he should be acting in a different manner, perhaps that wasn't in his remit.


It's interesting to note that his religious beliefs are highlighted in the article. I doubt that they would have been mentioned if he was of any other religion, and wonder why that is of importance to the Express.

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16 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

It's interesting to note that his religious beliefs are highlighted in the article.

I noticed that too.  They mention the OO, which has no relevance at all to the article.  

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21 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

I noticed that too.  They mention the OO, which has no relevance at all to the article.  

You have to go with reality when considering what the reaction will be to X or Y, rather than what you think it should be.


Reality was that the Orange Order membership was always going to be flagged. From the word go, it meant that the appointment itself brought unwanted headlines, which were used to undermine/ridicule the Everyone, Anyone Campaign.



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