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Robby McCrorie signs new 3 year deal

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While I agree with the sentiments that on the face of it we need to improve the options, if McGregor keeps himself fit, and continues to perform anywhere near the level he has reached, then we cannot afford to buy a goalkeeper of his quality, so if he wants to play on to 42, 43 then that is great news for us. If he drops 10-20% of his ability, he is still better than pretty much anyone we can afford to bring in! We might have the odd wobble like Ross County along the way, but we certainly wont have a parkhead performance like his understudy.


If we can continue to develop McCrorie as number 2, and give him some games to bed in and also to give McGregor the odd rest here and there (tomorrow being a typical opportunity perhaps?) then we may not need to do much in this area at all.

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Finance and UEFA regulations on academy players/squads are I think, the two main drivers with this contract extension.


A Porteous Bosman was rumoured last week, McCrorie signed an extension today.

The rumour may well be unfounded but with the other UEFA regulation on FFP approaching rapidly and our need to become a sustainably run club, I think it inevitable that we are going to have to spread less money over our transfer and salary outgoings.


The days of signing the likes of Chris Woods or Stefan Klos have been gone for a while. In terms of approach to the transfer market, relatively, it is going to be like going backwards from the Souness time to the early 80's. 


Next summer will surely see a squad rebuild and to get the right players in for the money we have avaialable will be very difficult. We are going to have to incorporate more academy players to the first team squad and McCrorie has signed up today. It actually fits in with what the club having been putting in place.


Although it will be a bumpy road, it is the only way that gives us a chance to move forward IMO.







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