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Champions League 2023/24

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Peter has recently accepted a position on a high powered UEFA Committee. I am reliably informed he will sort out the refereeing conspiracy determined to stymy Sellik's deserved progress.


Tonight's Referee from Slovkia, Ivan Kruzliak attended a non-denominational school in Bratislava, regularly attends Lodge Danube and, is current Grand Wizard of the Brown Fadouk. Sellik TV have footage of the Ref' mouthing the vile, sectarian song, "it's Slovakian easy, it's Slovakian easy".


Peter will prevail.

Edited by 26th of foot
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Watched Real Madrid first half good crisp attacking football played at speed watched the gunners second half some decent footie caught the last five minutes of United their defence must be the English version of the Rangers defence, hopeless.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 minute ago, Gonzo79 said:

I like people who:


A) Tell the truth.

B) Get straight to the point.

C) Hate Celtc FC.


As such, I must say I really have a lot of time for Lazio fans. 

I am impressed that these young fellows do their homework.

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