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2 hours ago, Rousseau said:

Even with backing he still takes the Villa job, IMO.


I was wanting him gone anyway; we were stale. 

Agree. But some of the noises he made when he left are ringing more and more true. Bemoaned lack of backing in the transfer market. Said the board didn't match his ambition to push on on 55 was achieved. Many fans are now thinking the very same.

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All about opinions, but the football as such has not much changed under Gio if compared to SG. Only that use subs more quickly. Hence the results do not differ that much, be it in Europe or in Scotland.


Much of the above, if you are true to yourself, is down to one abysmal showing at the Scumhut - and we have seen this before during the last decade, even by better teams. Nothing of late comes anywhere close to the capitulations at the Scumhut and Ibrox in terms of individual performances - the games that saw Miller and Wallace chopped afterwards for ripping into the players. You have to give the Scum at least a modicum of credit for the way the have assembled a squad and whipped it into an early season frenzy, while far too many of our players live in some sort of comfort zone, yet stagnate in their overall performances. You will sure remember me laying ino Tav for a few good seasons, but the lad got himself back to a level of performance that he is capable of and keeps it, ever since the start of the 55 season. And if anything, I expect the gaffer to whip all underperformers into action or has the guts to kick them once alternatives become available. Hence my remarks about Sands, Davies and Helander somewhere else, or Kamara being not needed alongside another DM (or even 2).


Gio`s future will not hinge on one OF game and the next one is months away. It will most likely not hinge on progression in Europe either, since anyone with a football brain knows how unlikely it is that we even reach slot 3 in that group. Once it becomes clear that the title challenge is in danger, things might become interesting.

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I'm struggling to see any real difference between Gerrard and van Bronckhorst. Both outperformed in Europe, neither could break down domestic defences, both had teams that played ponderously slow football, both delivered abject performances in important games. Truth is we're just not there yet.

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21 minutes ago, MacK1950 said:

Ah well let's get rid of Gio if things don't improve so the knock on would be our finances won't improve either withe the millions being lost in pay-offs,new manager hiring so no money for upgrading squad---vicious circle EH?.

The alternative is to cross our fingers and hope the Gio can catch Celtic (which is unlikely) and continue to produce miracles in Europe. We're losing money either way.....

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8 minutes ago, CammyF said:

The alternative is to cross our fingers and hope the Gio can catch Celtic (which is unlikely) and continue to produce miracles in Europe. We're losing money either way.....

Question for the board is simple.


How do we regain League title (asap)?

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