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1 minute ago, Bill said:

It's not so much a case of supporting the current board, merely trying to take a realistic view of the challenges they face and what they've achieved so far. Some of the tribal black-and-white stuff posted recently is neither appropriate nor helpful in any sense. 

I completely understand the challenges they face, don't think there is anyone on here who doesn't. 


However, that doesn't excuse them for continually failing to deliver and improve in areas that have been broken for decades. 


Issues are real, they affect 1000 of fans week in and week out and are not being addressed and fans are continually "shouted down" when they raise these issue. 


Having helped run a RSC I have first hand experience of how good the people who work on the ticket office are but their job is continually firefighting issues created by the lack of a functioning ticket system. 


We have examples of ST seats being sold during public sales and then the stewards telling ST holders that the public sale takes the seat and ST holders moved. 


We have numerous examples of people doubling up to get access to big games denying people who actually pay for their tickets their seats. Plus people standing in Isles which is a safety hazard. 


People turning up 1hr before kickoff with kids and not being able to get hot food at kiosks. Some kiosks didn't have water. 


None of the above is tribal, its factual and its criminal that its not being addressed. 

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There is a poll on FF started at about 9pm last night (some time to reflect)


Would you replace Gio ?


YES : 756 (54.3%)


NO : 637 (45.7%)



Quite a good sample size.

No immediate issue but it doesn't leave much margin for more backwards steps until the numbers start to get really bad.

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Just now, buster. said:



There is a poll on FF started at about 9pm last night (some time to reflect)


Would you replace Gio ?


YES : 756 (54.3%)


NO : 637 (45.7%)



Quite a good sample size.

No immediate issue but it doesn't leave much margin for more backwards steps until the numbers start to get really bad.

About 50/50 then, if you're an SNP supporter 😆


As always the problem is who do you replace him with, how much would it cost to remove him and his team, and how much compensation would we have to pay for a new management team. Unless we're going with someone currently out of work? 


If we win on Wednesday, wonder how much the poll would change! 

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16 minutes ago, CammyF said:

About 50/50 then, if you're an SNP supporter 😆


As always the problem is who do you replace him with, how much would it cost to remove him and his team, and how much compensation would we have to pay for a new management team. Unless we're going with someone currently out of work? 


If we win on Wednesday, wonder how much the poll would change! 

Feburary 2022


2 : Celtic 3 Rangers 0

17 Dortmund 2 Rangers 4

20 : Dundee Utd 1 Rangers 1

24 : Rangers 2 Dortmund 2

27 : Rangers 2 Motherwell 2


Up and doon like a whore's knickers

Lost a league (more or less)

Famous result in Europe



Can't see lightning striking twice in Europe 

Better win ALL domestic games



Edited by buster.
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We need to stop treating the spl like it's some elite league full of solid teams pissing out an endless stream of raw talent. Rangers should be slaughtering teams left and right in this league. Celtic might not be playing a stylish game, but they are treating the diddies exactly how they should be. Their work ethic is on point. We seem to think we can kill teams by a thousand side passes. Even under Sir Walter, we gave teams far too much time, space and respect. 

Our problems on the park aren't hard ones to solve, it's tactics and ethic. Get them pumped for God's sake. 

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1 hour ago, Nevermind said:

it's tactics and ethic

Correct,stop the passing Goldson to Sands,do the reverse or pass back to the goalkeeper,then to Goldson/Sands  and maybe a forward pass.By then the opposition have set up their ten man defence.

Come on Gio sort this out or are you/we incapable of doing so?.

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15 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:

Some players have become a bit lazy.  Yes, but more than a bit


The manager can sort that out. Maybe 


He is under pressure now but very far away from being sacked. Agree

I don't think Gio should be sacked and he won't be. But he needs to find a way to win consistently in the SPFL  and if the current players are not delivering the game plan, then use the youngsters, I mean the B side would have performed better as a team yesterday for christ sakes. There is nothing to lose by giving them a chance, and if the player trading model is to be successful that's our best hope. 

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