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[FT] Celtic 4 - 0 Rangers

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2 minutes ago, Bill said:

Since witnessing a humiliating defeat, where our rivals gave us the proverbial runaround for 90 minutes, I repeatedly read about how Celtic are "shit", "ordinary", "nothing special" and that if we had only turned up today we would surely have beaten them

The fact is, they have better players in most positions, and that’s a problem. Whose front 3 would rather have? Jota is better than Kent for me, quite comfortably. I’ve said that for a long time. Abada isn’t even that good an all round player but he’s like a second striker, a very reliable goalscorer. And then they have two reliable goalscorers in the middle. That is the biggest difference for me at the moment, they score from half chances. We wouldn’t score from them because we wouldn’t even have a player in those positions at the back post.

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4 minutes ago, Bill said:

The solution to this mess obviously lies with the management and players but I think there's also a need for some realism among the support. Since witnessing a humiliating defeat, where our rivals gave us the proverbial runaround for 90 minutes, I repeatedly read about how Celtic are "shit", "ordinary", "nothing special" and that if we had only turned up today we would surely have beaten them. This, of course, is pure delusion. From what I've seen, Celtic are better than us in every department. They pass better, they're direct, they're faster, hungrier, more aggressive,. They're better organised, more coordinated and appear to be far better prepared and motivated.


Postecoglou isn't a fat useless Aussie, he's a serious manager who has a considerable track record of success and clearly understand what it takes to be the number one team in this parish. In a single season he's transformed a sinking ship, won the league, reached the CL group stages and created a team that is miles ahead of Rangers. So perhaps we need to give the Devil his due and admit the magnitude of the task facing Rangers.


How is it possible there could be such a gulf in class between the teams we watched today? I didn't expect it to be so glaring and admit to being taken aback by how good they were. One thing is for sure, the distance between the two sides won't be closed by failing to admit it exists.

Absolutely right. Amidst all the jokes about a green Pedro, I had an ominous feeling that Postecoglou  might take the Terry Munro smiles off our faces. At the time of the appointment, my Hearts supporting younger lad speculated that the Australian would have a stumbling start but bring in some players no one had ever heard off who would suddenly do the business. And lo, it came to pass.

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Just now, RANGERRAB said:

Most of their players only cost 2 or 3 million each. It’s who you buy not how much you pay. 

Except carter vickers who was 6 million, starfelt who was 5,a Kyogo who was over 4 and Jota who was over 6 yeah but 2 million pound punts when you make enough of them can go further than freebies.

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3 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

Trophy count is all that matters.

And in this neck of the woods that means being better than Celtic and unless they have plans to bring back Neil Lennon, I think we have a problem.

Edited by Bill
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19 minutes ago, Bill said:

The solution to this mess obviously lies with the management and players but I think there's also a need for some realism among the support. Since witnessing a humiliating defeat, where our rivals gave us the proverbial runaround for 90 minutes, I repeatedly read about how Celtic are "shit", "ordinary", "nothing special" and that if we had only turned up today we would surely have beaten them. This, of course, is pure delusion. From what I've seen, Celtic are better than us in every department. They pass better, they're direct, they're faster, hungrier, more aggressive,. They're better organised, more coordinated and appear to be far better prepared and motivated.


Postecoglou isn't a fat useless Aussie, he's a serious manager who has a considerable track record of success and clearly understand what it takes to be the number one team in this parish. In a single season he's transformed a sinking ship, won the league, reached the CL group stages and created a team that is miles ahead of Rangers. So perhaps we need to give the Devil his due and admit the magnitude of the task facing Rangers.


How is it possible there could be such a gulf in class between the teams we watched today? I didn't expect it to be so glaring and admit to being taken aback by how good they were. One thing is for sure, the distance between the two sides won't be closed by failing to admit it exists.

I have to agree Bill but regardless of the quality of our opponents the commitment and lethargy of some of our players was shocking. I would say all of the goals were somewhat self inflicted and were preventable if we are on it today. That's not to say that Celtic would not have won but if you insist on handing gifts to a talented team you will get punished. 


I had my reservations about our transfer business prior to the window closing and I think I will be proven right. I'm sure we've signed some players that will come good but to enter a season that will include CL football with Colak as our only focused and fit striker was criminal IMO. Even more so when we have a £5 million pound back up player on the bench (not a criticism of Ridvan BTW). 

Edited by BlackSocksRedTops
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9 minutes ago, Bill said:

What does it matter how good or bad they are in the CL? What difference will that make to what we witnessed today or our chances the next time we meet them? It's exactly this kind of point-scoring pissing contest that hides the truth.

This. With huge f**king bells on it. Well said sir. 

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35 minutes ago, RANGERRAB said:

The game was lost in the first half today because of defensive & goalkeeping errors.

When that happens there isn’t much you can do

I think that’s an oversimplification. They have very good goalscorers in their team. It isn’t a coincidence that Abada always seems to have 5 yards of space at the back post, he is very good off the ball. Sure, poor defending is involved, but good forwards will always make defenders look bad.

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