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Club1872 and UB tifo

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8 minutes ago, buster. said:

New member for the UB.

Assuming anyone who likes a Union Flag is a Tory or right wing is part of the reason the Labour party find themselves in such a mess.  


The display against Inter, with a big Union Flag and two Saltires, looked magnificent. 

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9 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

Assuming anyone who likes a Union Flag is a Tory or right wing is part of the reason the Labour party find themselves in such a mess.  


The display against Inter, with a big Union Flag and two Saltires, looked magnificent. 

Your contrived assumption is your own invention and nothing to do with my post.


Visually, the Inter display was excellent. 


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4 hours ago, Tannochsidebear said:

That is absolutely fair enough, it just looks like a complete waste of cash to this observer from the other end of the ground when you see what they come up with time after time for huge sums of money. But if they are happy with it thats nice for them. Now if only they would actually put their feckin flags down during the action so anyone unlucky enough to be within several rows of them can see the game instead of the back of a UB flag that would be wonderful. Not that it matters to most of them as from my experience they rarely watch much of the game anyway.

You are spot on, up till 3 seasons  ago I sat in the main stand and had a great view of them, most don’t watch the game.

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1 minute ago, Gonzo79 said:

You brought party politics into it, buster.  

No, I didn't.


I brought a funny pic with a public figure of ridicule for nearly all, regardless of party.


I made a joke.

If you don't find it funny, no problems, just don't look too hard to be offended.

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Ibrox Tifo Project Poll Result 

Dear Contributor,

Club 1872 is delighted to announce that Contributors have voted 90% in favour of our latest Projects CIC proposal.

The project is to help fund stadium Tifos by the Union Bears, which will begin with our first home game of this season’s Champions League versus Napoli at Ibrox on the 13th September.

The Union Bears have created a number of spectacular stadium displays in the past and we are proud to be supporting them in creating another Tifo as part of Rangers' historic return to the Champions League this season. 

Club 1872 Projects CIC will now donate £7500 to the Union Bears. This is the estimated cost of the Champions League Tifo and the group will use any excess to help part fund future displays.

We look forward to seeing what we are sure will be an amazing display.

Club 1872

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