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Club Statement | RIFC raise injunction proceedings in the US

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1 hour ago, buster. said:

The problem is finding out exactly what is going on.

History has taught us, by the time we find out its usually too late.


No one is coming out of this well. This seems to be a bit of a public spat between majority shareholders being played out to the detriment of the club.


One wonders why the clubs journey seems to have stalled all of a sudden post PSV. I wouldn't say the board have taken thier foot off the gas, I'd say they have stopped paying for gas and the car isn't going to get very far any time soon.


Dave King seems desperate to sell his shares. Normally I'd ask why? Shares are an investment. He or his estate could hold onto these shares for some time and make a great profit selling them much later in the future. Does King know something that makes him so desperate to sell?


Paul Murray seems to be a bit of a never has been. A fairly successful city guy, never really had the financial means to get a seat at the top table but always wants to be there or there abouts. Is it telling he has sided with King and is facilitating his selling of shares? How will that help his aims in getting involved with the club? Perhaps he will try to represent the buyer on the board. 


It seems this current wealthy fan ownership, call them white knights, call them the 3(or 7, or 8 or 9 etc) bears have hit a common problem. Running a business by committee isn't always successful when everyone has different ideas. But then look where it got us being ran by an egotistical individual.


Who knows where we go from here.






Edited by Sutton_blows_goats
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14 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

History has taught us, by the time we find out its usually too late.


No one is coming out of this well. This seems to be a bit of a public spat between majority shareholders being played out to the detriment of the club.


One wonders why the clubs journey seems to have stalled all of a sudden post PSV. I wouldn't say the board have taken thier foot off the gas, I'd say they have stopped paying for gas and the car isn't going to get very far any time soon.


Dave King seems desperate to sell his shares. Normally I'd ask why? Shares are an investment. He or his estate could hold onto these shares for some time and make a great profit selling them much later in the future. Does King know something that makes him so desperate to sell?


Paul Murray seems to be a bit of a never has been. A fairly successful city guy, never really had the financial means to get a seat at the top table but always wants to be there or there abouts. Is it telling he has sided with King and is facilitating his selling of shares? How will that help his aims in getting involved with the club? Perhaps he will try to represent the buyer on the board. 


It seems this current wealthy fan ownership, call them white knights, call them the 3(or 7, or 8 or 9 etc) bears have hit a common problem. Running a business by committee isn't always successful when everyone has different ideas. But then look where it got us being ran by an egotistical individual.


Who knows where we go from here.






IMO, the club's journey hasn't stalled, as such.


The overall strategy is I think, correct but there are ongoing issues surfacing that need addressed.

If they aren't addressed in a timely way, they may, within an unfavourable economic enviroment get more severe and lead to bottomline issues.


When football results go badly, everything is magnified tenfold and relative context/detail/precise quotes & meanings are often left to the side as everyone piles on. If we win tomorrow suddenly everything looks rosy again and all the indepth analysis of why we are on the route to a dark place is largely forgotten.


 If I were to criticise, I'd point towards generally cutting too many corners regards costs, trying to squeeze value of cut price options. This ranges from the Ticket Office Operation to buying too many injury prone players. ....If you keep doing it, it will catch up with you.



Going back to the Foxy business, dead pop stars, Dave King and Paul Murray.

We can all read between the lines but I simply don't know what is or isn't going on.







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22 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

The trajectory of the club doesn't "stall" because you lose a couple of games. 

No, but at the sametime it is looking to me as if an onfield correction of sorts is coming down the road that will eventually have implications at a financial level.


I said prior to this season that the sqaud wasn't balanced or good enough to do anything of note this season. It surprised me in qualifying for the CLGS but the negative issues remain and are principally based in not building on 55 and now, not breaking up further the SG squad and freshening things up.


How much responsibility for the above lys with manager/football operation/board is up for debate *


All such problems are exacerbated by the fact that over the city they turned things round so quickly, Main implication being access to CL cash and other benefits that facilitate football operations and journeys.





* Interesting that the successful transfer hit rate that they had last summer came when the Lawwell approach left the building and the manager seemed to be identifying the players to go after.








Edited by buster.
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1 hour ago, Rousseau said:

The trajectory of the club doesn't "stall" because you lose a couple of games. 

Let me clarify. I'm my opinion we have 'stalled' because there has been no further investment since PSV. We are now much longer odds to compete in the league. The manager made some ill though out comments post Ajax that we cant compete at that level or similar. That should never be the mindset even if it is true. There are questions around financial and player trading that no one at the club seems to want to answer or talk about. But happy to charge the maximum for ticket prices during a cost of living crises. 


1 hour ago, buster. said:

No, but at the sametime it is looking to me as if an onfield correction of sorts is coming down the road that will eventually have implications at a financial level.

This is also my thinking.



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There has obviously been some consideration of opportunities, real or imagined, for further investment in the club. In fact it would be a surprise, not to mention a profound disappointment if the board didn't one of their key duties being to identify and assess avenues for new investment. That in itself should not automatically be seen as shareholders looking to fly the nest or a sign of fundamental disunity on the board, although it's probably safe to assume there are always shareholders who will be more keen than others to realise their share value. Whether or not the board is actually moving beyond mere exploration of opportunities has to be unknown and I would be very worried if such matters weren't dealt with in the strictest confidence. It's also worth bearing in mind that while shareholders own the club, it's the directors who run it and it happens from time to time that some shareholders can forget this distinction and act (wrongly) on their own accord ... it isn't clear whether this business with Kyle Fox could be one such example. Whatever the case, it now looks like any discussions that might have taken place are no longer being pursued by the board.



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21 hours ago, Bill said:

Well it was one of his 3i colleagues who told me so you could be right but in my experience they're not all the same.

I did a business deal with him during his 3i days and didn't have any issues. I'd known him for a few years before that too and always found him to be good guy, and was surprised at his involvement here. I guess different people have different perceptions.

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