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Anyone had a flutter this season?


I was raging last week.


Had West ham, Newcastle and a draw with Bolton and Everton - fooking Everton nicked a win in he 91st minute to blow my coupon.


The previous week, West Ham drawing with Wigan at home cost me 7 homes for about 300 quid from a fiver!!!


Im not betting today with the internationals, there isnt anything i fancy.

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NO! And I'm not taking any tips off you! ;)


Put some money on Israel beating England! LOL!


Hey I was up about 2 grand last season and I dont bet anymore than 20 quid!!


Makes a difference from the junk you told to me to bet when we were on PRW ;)

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Hey I was up about 2 grand last season and I dont bet anymore than 20 quid!!


Makes a difference from the junk you told to me to bet when we were on PRW ;)


LOL! Was wondering when you were gonna bring that up! ;)


Up �£2K? Jeez! Maybe I'd better start listening to your tips!

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Had a horrendous start to my coupon season.


First week of the EPL, it was beat before 3pm when Spurs got beat at Sunderland.


Since then it's been so-so, got a wee double up last week with St. Johnstone and Dunfermline away to Ross County and Clyde, shoved £20 on it and got £70 back, considering I thought they were pretty much stick-ons it was a decent £50 profit.

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