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England v Israel

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Massive game today aswell for the auld enemy and id smirk a lot if Israel nicked a point but I can only see a home win.


I think England will play better with Fat Frank out but they shouldnt be risking Gerrard although he is there best player.


I would have Carson in goal but Robert Green should be England No.1 by a country mile.


England team IMO:




Richards____Terry___Ferdinand___A Cole


Bentley____Gerrard___Carrick___J Cole



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McLaren has already said that Robinson will start today! LOL! Does he never learn?


I think Owen will be partnered up front by Heskey as the rest of the strikers have never looked very good at international record (not that Heskey does, but he knows the ropes at least).


England will probably win this game 1-0.

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Croatia are pretty much home and dry as they have another easy game on Wednesday and with Russia playing England it should be enough for them to qualify.


So 2nd place is a fight between England and Russia and they have to play each other twice!! Game on!!

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And what's with the England fans booing of players? Do they just think they have to boo at least one player every game?


Bentley I presume, due to Large Lamps not playing!!


That will be down to not playing for the U21s in the summer.

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