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Celtic FC in secret deal with fans to 'tackle terror problem'

Guest sozzler

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Guest sozzler

Copied from FF-




This was sent out to various media agencies today, I wonder whether it will be picked up by the Scottish Press?


Calton Resources press release:


Celtic FC in secret deal with fans to 'tackle terror problem'


Calton Resources has received worrying information about an attempted

"secret deal" between Celtic Supporters Groups and Celtic Football Club.


It has uncovered a meeting between Peter Lawell, Celtic Chief Executive, and

representatives from Celtic Supporters Groups. Mr Lawell has insisted to

fans representatives that the meeting remain top secret.


The supporters representatives suggested to Mr Lawell, that in the event of

Celtic fans singing any racist or sectarian songs, they would be met (and

drowned out) by a chorus of "Hail Hail". Mr Lawell was in total and

emphatic agreement with this idea, and insisted that the media be led to

believe that the idea came from the Celtic Supporters as opposed to being a

joint initiative with Celtic Football Club.


He requested that instructions be posted within ALL Celtic Fans' football

websites, including (but not restricted to) Celtic Minded, Kerrydale Street

and Jungle Bhoys.


All of these websites are crammed with sectarian and bigoted references to

fans of Rangers, and indeed, Protestants in general. With IRA supportive

insignia adorning members profiles. The continued references to "Huns",

"Orange Bastards" etc, would indicate, that while Lawell is happy enough for

Celtic's fan-base to frequent and indeed, run these websites, he wishes the

wider community to believe that sectarianism in Glasgow is a one-way-street.


At any rate - Celtic have at last admitted they do continue to have a major

problem with fans supporting terrorism.



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Celtic have to address the problem just as we do. Unfortunately we are trying to eradicate our sectarian problems in the open and Celtic choose to hide in the shadows. Then again the terrorists have always hid in the shadows.

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Yep, don't see an awful lot wrong with this other than them trying to make it appear they dont have a problem - but everyone knows they do.


Ours is being aired in public whilst they are privately going about their business - if we succeed in our efforts then airing it in public should be a major PR boost.

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