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What The Window Cleaner Heard

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Interesting true story from a guy who goes on our RSC bus and owns his own window cleaning firm. He landed a contract to clean a football players windows in Airth but didn't know / ask / care who this footballer was - it was business after all.


Anyway, his firm was cleaning the windows for a while and no one ever saw who this mystery footballer was - they assumed that he was at training etc when they were cleaning his windows.


So this goes on for a while until one day, the footballer appears at his door and asks the guy cleaning his windows to get his boss over now. The 'boss' was actually on the job that day and wandered over to see what the problem was.


The footballer in question asked the 'boss' - 'Are all your guys Rangers fans' - the 'boss' replied - 'Not them all, but most of them'. The footballer then told the 'boss' to get his lads of his property and to 'fook off' and don't come back.


It transpires that the footballer had heard one of the guys mobiles going off with Follow Follow as the ringtone and wan't a happy chappy. The footballer must have then decided that he didn't want Rangers fans cleaning his windows - the footballer in question - jeez should I spill the beans....



































Craptic sub Derek Riorden


Cammy F

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Riordan is a ned. A well-paid ned but still a ned. He comes from Muirhouse in Edinburgh.... if the windows being cleaned were in Muirhouse they would have been using brasso instead of windex, given all the boarded up windows.


Tosser !!

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