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Valentine's Day 2012

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Still angry about the whole thing. Planned out by Murray, the bank and administrators. I bet they thought we'd get docked 25 points for the following season or something. They didn't bank on hate.


Opportunists took it as a chance to keep us down for years and get a  free run at trophies, European tv money etc.



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The shocking way we were treated by the whole of Scottish football , they literally tried to kill us! and the difference in the way they treated Hearts who went into administration with a higher debt than us! they dealt with us then changed the rules to deal with Hearts, they were only deducted 10 points yet threw us out of the league, that is when I begun my deep hatred for the whole of Scottish football, which I will continue to do so for as long as I live 

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Spot on Bill.


I have never got over 2012 and I never will.  I have not a single shred of regard for the clubs that shafted us, supported by a bigoted press who have changed a little in personnel but not in their hatred of us.  


The only comfort I take today is that 55 is killing them and I have no doubt we are on the road to full recovery and 56.

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Myself and my oldest son were shocked and neither of us having had a season ticket made an immediate decision to get one each.

I personally stood in the ticket office queue from just after 9.00 till 16.45 when I received a call from my son saying he had managed to get them online,albeit not together but in close proximity,and now sit beside each other.

It was the day even Charles Green had us believing he was our saviour as he talked to the queuing fans.

Anyway we went on the "journey" with our club which now seems in a better place.

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I try to forget, to be honest. 


I have taken less interest in Scottish football because of what they did. 


I am also strangely proud of the fact that we've won every league and cup in Scotland; We've completed Scottish football. 

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It's not something I think about these days but that was a dark era. Lewis McLeod was a rare light in the darkness for me as a fan. I enjoyed watching him play the game. I wouldn't say I hold any anger these days but I can honestly say hand on heart I don't care for any other football club in this country. The poison that spewed out of the average fan on the street was eye opening and almost soul destroying. But they underestimated the people who are an absolute credit to the game. 

I have never and will never bite or react to anything anyone outside our fanbase says about our club. Their opinion is nothing but traffic noise to me. Last season was euphoric and will live in the memory forever. 

Dark days for sure but I took encouragement from our own support and the support from other clubs around the world. 

Edited by Nevermind
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