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11 minutes ago, Bill said:

Tonight, the lessons I learned were...

1. McGregor is still a capable keeper and redeemed his reputation big time. Without him we could easily have been six down at HT.

2. Bassey is never a centre back but he is our best left back. Barisic's role is now cover for Bassey.

3. Tavernier's loss of form is getting worse and he badly needs a rest. Zukowski has more experience than Bassey and should be blooded pronto.

4. Balogun made a huge difference when he came on with his pace and aggression. Helander or Balogun but never Bassey.

5. Jack is quite peerless among our midfielders and his partnership with Ramsey could lift us to a new level

6. There is still a role for Steve Davis as backup to Jack. Kamara has gone stale and needs to recharge his batteries. We didn't miss him at all.

8. Three up front and two attacking fullbacks is madness

9. There is very little leadership on the park. It may be harsh but it's time for a change of captain soon.

10. Morelos is still an absolutely essential part of this team.

11. Our manager is going to be under massive scrutiny to prove he can address tonight's clusterphukk. 

Not much to argue with there. Only thing for me is I thought Kamara was our best outfield player 1st half (not great but best out a bad bunch). 


You can see why SG played his wide players "narrow" as his full backs were so far forward. He also used this as a high press which worked. 


Teams then got wise to this and worked out how to defend and SG didn't adapt. 


However a very honest summery


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4 minutes ago, Bill said:

Tonight, the lessons I learned were...

1. McGregor is still a capable keeper and redeemed his reputation big time. Without him we could easily have been six down at HT.

2. Bassey is never a centre back but he is our best left back. Barisic's role is now cover for Bassey.

3. Tavernier's loss of form is getting worse and he badly needs a rest. Zukowski has more experience than Bassey and should be blooded pronto.

4. Balogun made a huge difference when he came on with his pace and aggression. Helander or Balogun but never Bassey.

5. Jack is quite peerless among our midfielders and his partnership with Ramsey could lift us to a new level

6. There is still a role for Steve Davis as backup to Jack. Kamara has gone stale and needs to recharge his batteries. We didn't miss him at all.

8. Three up front and two attacking fullbacks is madness

9. There is very little leadership on the park. It may be harsh but it's time for a change of captain soon.

10. Morelos is still an absolutely essential part of this team.

11. Our manager is going to be under massive scrutiny to prove he can address tonight's clusterphukk. 

As much as I agree with most of what you say, I think it's harsh on Kamara as he was playing in a different game than the one Jack entered. It was clear that they chose to sit back soak up our limited pressure. 

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7 minutes ago, Bill said:

Tonight, the lessons I learned were...

1. McGregor is still a capable keeper and redeemed his reputation big time. Without him we could easily have been six down at HT.

2. Bassey is never a centre back but he is our best left back. Barisic's role is now cover for Bassey.

3. Tavernier's loss of form is getting worse and he badly needs a rest. Zukowski has more experience than Bassey and should be blooded pronto.

4. Balogun made a huge difference when he came on with his pace and aggression. Helander or Balogun but never Bassey.

5. Jack is quite peerless among our midfielders and his partnership with Ramsey could lift us to a new level

6. There is still a role for Steve Davis as backup to Jack. Kamara has gone stale and needs to recharge his batteries. We didn't miss him at all.

8. Three up front and two attacking fullbacks is madness

9. There is very little leadership on the park. It may be harsh but it's time for a change of captain soon.

10. Morelos is still an absolutely essential part of this team.

11. Our manager is going to be under massive scrutiny to prove he can address tonight's clusterphukk. 

Agree with all of those especially no. 5: Jack and Ramsey gives us a whole new level.

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2 minutes ago, CammyF said:

Not much to argue with there. Only thing for me is I thought Kamara was our best outfield player 1st half (not great but best out a bad bunch). 

Yes, Kamara grafted his arse off 1st half, he just didn't get any support.

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12 minutes ago, Bill said:

Unless you have access to a time machine, what's done is done and all that matters now is what happens from here on. There isn't one person at Rangers who isn't aware how badly wrong the entire coaching staff got it tonight and how much pressure is heading their way to address it. I very much doubt you will be seeing the same again ... if you do the GvB will be toast.

Worryingly the last few away performances were also very bad - he is running out of runway. We've struggled (eirher full games, or parts of games) since he arrived. 


Sunday is going to be interesting especially if we struggle to break Hearts (who are a decent team) down, or God Forbid go behind. 

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In terms of the bigger picture, we obviously need a rebuild.  Some of Aribo, Kamara, Kent or Barisic will fund our future rebuild (I exclude Morelos because I don't think he will go).  On that showing today and for the most of the season so far we won't get a fraction of what they are worth.  That is a major concern.


I think the manager and his staff showed tonight how little they know about Scottish football.  Their tactics  aren't working.  I have my doubts and I hope I am wrong but I don't think it is going to work out.   Personnel and tactical changes are desperately required in the team.


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