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Just watched the goals back.


What on earth was Tavernier doing for Brown's goal?


It looks like he just stands there while Brown runs past him.


Is it really too difficult to remember that you are supposed to follow the man you are marking?

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36 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

Defoe's a great finisher, but we still have to provide him with chances, and that's something we're not doing. 


We're just not very good this season.


The extent of it is quite inexplicable. You can't be firing on all cylinders all the time, but I still don't think we've started this season. So poor. 



I'm not sure how seriously to take these numbers.  The account states 'All data is generated by myself'. 



Does an xG of ~3, and two scored, suggest a lack of chances?

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Naïve of me I know but prepared to give the players a pass from last night because of the difficult circumstances. However, our overall form this season has been unacceptable so the coaching staff need to find solutions or criticism will become much louder very quickly.


Lots of fans (myself included) puzzled at the tactics last night and the decision to keep some players on the pitch. Using Tav as an example, he didn't play well at all but he seems to the only person who can create goals at the moment so I understand why he continues to play.


Nevertheless, his contribution - as well as almost every other player - is far from good enough. Almost all seem a yard short of pace, laboured on the ball, react slowly and certainly very negative through matches. Not sure if last season has just emptied them mentally.


The return of Jack and Kent will/should help but that doesn't explain why the whole squad seems so off-form. Lots of questions for the manager but, so far at least, there haven't been many answers. Fir Park represents a huge test of our intentions and I hope RTC is buzzing today.

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As for Defoe, I don't think people are realising the issue is we don't get the ball to the strikers in dangerous areas anywhere near enough which is why we hardly score from open play nowadays.


Defoe may well provide a penalty box threat but I'd rather we actually gave Sakala some game-time.  Last night (and against Hearts recently) was tailored made for him with loads of space in wider areas for his pace to exploit.  Space we rarely use as neither Morelos or Roofe run in behind any more.

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38 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:

I'm not sure how seriously to take these numbers.  The account states 'All data is generated by myself'. 



Does an xG of ~3, and two scored, suggest a lack of chances?

It appears we should be scoring more from those numbers, but one-off games can deviate.


I would be interested to see the seasonal trend. 


Wait-- that xG number includes the Penalty. I'd say we're par.


There are not big chances, either. There was a big chance around 30 mins, then after the Pen. 


That defensive xG is a joke, though.

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10 hours ago, RANGERRAB said:

So do we play Sakala for his pace?

only option for pace we’ve got.

And he looks miles short of what we need

I know what you mean. However he wouldn't offer us any less than Roofe has in the last couple of games, and his presence may have led to the Aberdeen defence lying deeper and not to compress everything so much. It would have led to a different, hopefully more beneficial tactical game.

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Poor recruitment and a lack of invention from the players and management are going to cost the club millions, if things don't change soon.


Sakala - I just don't see anything there.  Bacuna looks like he can pick a pass but is not a hard worker, which is why (presumably) he isn't playing much.


I recall people saying how strong our bench looked earlier this season...seems bonkers now.  Our midfield is powderpuff and that's no use in Scotland.

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The lack of attacking intent from the full-backs (who seem positionally uncertain) is a big issue as all our attacking play is from deeper areas with neither Morelos, Roofe or Hagi interested (or able) to run into any space behind defences.


It's very easy for teams to block their service, meaning Morelos has to come deeper and deeper looking for the ball whilst we can't get it quickly enough to Hagi or Roofe for them to create anything.


Surely, we can be a bit more flexible tactically and personnel wise.

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33 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

I know what you mean. However he wouldn't offer us any less than Roofe has in the last couple of games, and his presence may have led to the Aberdeen defence lying deeper and not to compress everything so much. It would have led to a different, hopefully more beneficial tactical game.

I think it would be a good option  to play Sakala and get him to sit in the shoulder of the last defender. Knock long balls over the top to him.

But we don’t play that way. Everything is slow tempo with balls side to side & backwards.

we need to change our style of play. We are too predictable & easy to play against.

Playing sakala upfront on Sunday (with Morelos) would force Motherwell to defend deeper.

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