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A light look at the weekend

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The big talking point of the weekend was of coarse Gordon Strachans tantrum at pittodrie. It is thought he could get a seat in the stand for up to 10 weeks. Celtic are now contacting all clubs to reserve the front row otherwise it will be a stand on the seat.

The commotion was started by the assistant coach sticking 2 fingers on one hand and 1 on the other, to joke about Celtic winning 2-1. it is now rumoured that David Murray does not want to be outdone by Celtic and are scouring the country for a assistant coach with seven fingers,

Mark McGhee was asked on Scotsport last night if he had ever had received abuse. He replied he was once hit by a pie.

That would be the original McGhee pie then.

Mark was furious after Motherwell were robbed in the last minute against Killie. The Steel men against the Steal men springs to mind


Charlie Christie quit as coach of Inverness on Monday.

The Inverness defence had already quit after 55 mins on Saturday.


Hearts are planning a redevelopment of Tynecastle, which will increase the capacity by 6000 to 23000. they have also applied for for 6000 work permits for Lithuanian footballers.

The new stadium will produce 300 jobs which means another 5700 on the dole.


Frail the hearts coach is said to be weak.

Irons the Gretna coach wants more steel in his team,



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That was so hard to read that i just couldnt stop... :uzi:


I liked the 7 fingers part though. :cheers: :D


Sorry, it was supposed to be better but i rushed it before i went to work. I was 5 minutes too late as i kept trying to get it finished. This was in fact an edited edition. Lucky you!:)

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