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The wee prime minister

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McMillan is the most accurate  passer of a football I have ever seen. Long, raking, slide rule passes into space for Scott to race onto or lightning quick short passes to foot to ignite Henderson, he was brilliant. He could also bring a ball under instant control despite harassment from defenders and he scored a few. Can’t remember much about his heading ability.

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A member of an iconic, possibly the iconic, Rangers' team:



Shearer Caldow

Greig McKinnon Baxter

Henderson McMillan Millar Brand Wilson


That he was good enough not only to play in that side, but to be known, during his time at Ibrox, as 'The Wee Prime Minister', ie the boss,

speaks volumes. 

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2 hours ago, Uilleam said:


Shearer Caldow

Greig McKinnon Baxter

Henderson McMillan Millar Brand Wilson

That’s the team I call the Rangers.


Though I know perfectly well that on most of the occasions I watched Ian McMillan, Harry Davis was his protection and Alex Scott was his winger.

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