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The Guard of Honour?

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The reams of newsprint sacrificed in debating whether to, or whether not do comprise a Guard of Honour, is the equivalent of the Kibble Palace rainforest. Radio waves are breaking the ionosphere with the loaded query. We know when the boot was on the other foot a couple of seasons ago, the likes of Stuart Cosgrove were broadcasting we should not escape our deserved humiliation; and Early Day Motions were laid to be signed. 


I Officered a Guard of Honour for Her Maj' and the then Italian President. Replete in No2 Dress Ceremonial for two hours in 80 degrees of heat, my sword tip sinking into the red tar of Pall Mall; I felt the perspiration and solemnity of the occasion. As the carriage passed, I felt honoured to complete the sharp, jerky choreographed movements required, and get off down the pub in the finest traditions of the Parachute Regiment.


Thus, I say to Rangers, particularly our players. Go ahead, form the Guard of Honour prior to Kick off, Big Shane Duffy is most deserving.

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  • Frankie changed the title to The Guard of Honour?

If there is a guard of honour it will be another sign that football is essentially fucked, that playing to the gallery of public opinion is more important that playing the ball and respecting such traditions as bitter rivalry.


I don't want it, Rangers certainly doesn't need it, Celtic doesn't want to do it. If it happens it will be a virtue signalling sham, everyone will know it and we will have taken one more step on the road to being a sanitised parody of ourselves. 

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Neither side want it, and it's meaningless. They have made it perfectly clear what they think of us, so to try and do anything that shows us respect would just mean that they are hypocrites as well as all the other epitaphs that they deserve. 

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