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Let the eulogising of Neil Lennon begin

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That press conference yesterday was a clear signal that preparations for the formal departure of Neil Lennon can at last begin in earnest. I think we can therefore expect this coming weekend to see sports coverage in Scotland devoted almost entirely to eulogising the increasingly demented Neilly, with the loyal spouters at Pacific Quay naturally assuming the role of principal mourners.


I expect Pater Lawwell will be cast as the man who brought Scottish football into the 21st century, rooting out much-discussed financial corruption in the process, but whose utility after years of exhausting achievement now has to be questioned. Ever the victim of uncontrollable circumstance, managing Neilly's demise will require a significant sacrifice and Lawwell will be the chosen offering. Peter's understandable burn-out will have led poor Neilly into an impossible corner from which there was no possible escape. Poor Neilly, with everyone conspiring against him, this may be a long process..


Keep your sick bags within reach.

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