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[FT] Rangers 1 (C. McGregor 70 o.g.) - 0 Celtic

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2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

Is anyone just wishing today away?

Aye, me Gonzo! Can't come quick enough (not usually an issue for me.....?) but we win tomorrow and the champagne is on ice! I am mental busy so not been on here for months. Good to see your all well and and still here! Think might pop some tunes on? Watched some reruns today instead of working, what can I say? Clearly I lack motivation when faced with a "work" or "Rangers" dilemma.....

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2 hours ago, ian1964 said:

Calum McGregor on the radio saying ''they will probably flood the midfield again like they always do against us''

Flooding the midfield is exactly what I expect them to do tomorrow. Vital we don’t get outnumbered in midfield 

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7 hours ago, Franc Ergs said:

Seems unlikely they would release their starting line up this early.



or just someone at it, I reckon the later.


But as SG would say, it's about us. 

Today is the day for the big performances.

From the first whistle, be right at it, take the initiative.


Biggest game for a decade, don't leave anything out on the pitch.

I hope the players are less nervous than I am !!




Edited by buster.
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8 hours ago, ian1964 said:


Not an unlikely line-up though. Brown and Soro playing together would be much more defensive than the diamond they have been playing, but would be a return to the 4-2-3-1 they have played for years.  It would be a bit strange though because it would mean McGregor in the 3 and he hasn’t played that far forward in a while. 

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15 minutes ago, DMAA said:

Not an unlikely line-up though. Brown and Soro playing together would be much more defensive than the diamond they have been playing, but would be a return to the 4-2-3-1 they have played for years.  It would be a bit strange though because it would mean McGregor in the 3 and he hasn’t played that far forward in a while. 

If Duffy plays it throws up a few questions regarding Alfie IMO. Duffy is a carthorse but he likes to be physical and this can be where they can exploit Alfies temperament. He stupidly let himself get involved with Duffy in the last game and could easily have been hooked at HT. We need to exploit Duffy's obvious weaknesses (slow and ponderous) with guile and speed not pure physicality. 


Could Stevie G throw a curve ball and start with Itten? A physical presence but a more level headed temperament? 



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4 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

Mon The Rangers!  ??

Under 4 hours to go. My coffee cup is already shaking due to nerves/excitement. Making sure my chores are all done as my missus always decides to find me something random to do a minute before kick off. ie. Can you go into the loft and find a box that I've not looked at for 5 years!! 

Edited by BlackSocksRedTops
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I'd switch Roofe with Morelos if Duffy is all over the latter.  Roofe would have a field day with Duffy and SG seems to prefer the interchangeable front three (like Liverpool).


I can't see Itten playing much of a part and am fairly certain the front three will be Kent, Roofe and Morelos. 

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