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Alfredo Morelos

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2 hours ago, DMAA said:

And it doesn’t suit the narrative but it simply isn’t true that he just isn’t get many chances this season. He has had more/better chances than anyone else in the league this season, he just isn’t scoring them. Compare that to Roofe who is scoring way more than he should given the number/quality of the chances he is getting. 

I wonder how this compares to last season, or the year before? 


It surprises me that he's getting a lot of chances, although it has always been clear he misses a lot. 


Are there any other stats, around goal creation?

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Personally I think he is more of a team player,  last year and the year prior , we relied on this young guy to take on defences single handedly,  mot any more and its paying massive dividends. 

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17 hours ago, Rousseau said:

I wonder how this compares to last season, or the year before? 


It surprises me that he's getting a lot of chances, although it has always been clear he misses a lot. 


Are there any other stats, around goal creation?

He did surprisingly well (for me at least) in these stats in previous seasons, often out performing his xG. I am pretty sure he has been top for xG per 90 for a long time in this league, but he definitely didn’t have this deficit between XG per 90 and goals per 90. Well, the stats I remember from last season were probably from before the slump, there would almost certainly have been a deficit by the end of the season. 

In terms of goal creation, there is a new stat Rangers Report have been putting out called “Win Impact Rating”, and Morelos always scores highly. But his WIP has been falling gradually through the season for some reason. I am a bit skeptical of this stat. 

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Here it is. If you look through it you will maybe see why I am a bit skeptical as to how useful it is. It is intended to judge overall positive impact on the team I think, so covers everything from interceptions, tackles, shots on targets etc. I think I just feel shots on target alone for example shouldn’t necessarily be counted as a positive impact. But that’s just my surface level impression, I haven’t had a chance to really look into it. 


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49 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

Are there any other stats, around goal creation?

This has Morelos in third place for xA, which is quite astonishing. 4 Rangers players in the top 5. Quite a disparity between xA and assists per 90 though which suggests to me a higher number of lower quality chances being created. 

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Surprised this thread came up as I have been saying on here and FF that critics should lay off Morelos as he is playing a different role,obviously to instruction.Agree some of his first touches have been poor but some of his passes sublime.Also he is the only plater who seems to try a quick throw in,as last night,rather than leave to the full backs.

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