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Dave King to Sell Shares to Club 1872

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14 hours ago, Frankie said:

Hoping to have an interview with King on our podcast at some point. 


All sensible questions for consideration can be posted in this thread or privately to me. 

Would Rangers not benefit more by any cash that C1872 raise going to it, rather than to a shareholder?

Was it always your plan to recoup a majority of your investment from the fans' organisation?

Do you think any of the other investors in the club will look to recoup their cash in a similar manner?


@FrankieI've added more and will continue to do so as I think of them.

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when fergus did this exact thing at celtc he offered to build a training complex with the cast if enough people subscribed. 


They didn't and he never but he at least offered. 


i guess the obvious question is what happens if tens of thousands don't sign up and would he incentivise them to do so in a similar fashion to the above. 

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The one positive I instantly see is that there will be no "one" owner / shareholder of the club pulling the strings, i.e. having ultimate power over the club. The main question point is how C1872 will tackle the governance ... if they actually want to. Is there any reason to assume that things at the top will dramatically change now, apart from one member of C1872 will be made a director et al? I would assume that the leadership will be very similar to what we have now, with business people doing the business stuff but not "owning" the club. Alas, some time to go if everything is being done here. Let´s hear how Dave King wants this to unfold.

Edited by der Berliner
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2 hours ago, Bluedell said:


I'm not in favour of £13m of the fan's cash going to an existing shareholder, when it could be going into the club.

It's impossible not to agree with this but I suppose the money for these shares has already gone to the club and it's only voting rights that are being traded. If you want voting rights then it comes at a price. My own view is that Club1872 would be better buying new shares with the fans' money and leaving Dave King to find another buyer for his offload. £13m (if that's what it is) should never be used to bail out a fellow shareholder, even if it is Dave King. You have to question who exactly is the beneficiary in this deal but it's certainly not Rangers.




2 hours ago, Bluedell said:

Even if this is successful, what happens the next time there's a share issue and C1872 can't afford to invest? Their shareholding gets diluted and their position as largest shareholder disappears very quickly.

That's the risk every shareholder bears. It's just part of the game and Club1872 shouldn't be any different.



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58 minutes ago, Bill said:


That's the risk every shareholder bears. It's just part of the game and Club1872 shouldn't be any different.

Absolutely but if it's the raison d'etre for buying the shares then it's obviously flawed but some (not necessarily on here) aren't getting that. 

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1 hour ago, Bluedell said:

Absolutely but if it's the raison d'etre for buying the shares then it's obviously flawed but some (not necessarily on here) aren't getting that. 

Indeed. I've struggled to make sense out of the Club1872 strategy. They seem to be sort of sure where they want to end up but none of what they do seems to take them there.

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