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Rangers/Castore Supporter Update

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the surface of it, a very concerning update from C1872.  I'm hoping that the club and Castore have something up their sleeve and are working towards some sort of detailed response plan that will address the concerns being raised, but it also worries me that they haven't reached out and asked for a bit of time or explained what is going on in the background.


There's no doubt that Castore have misjudged demand.  Perhaps the pent up demand has been such that nobody could have predicted how it would go.   But for me the biggest issue was they said they understood what it would be like and were planning for this.   Surely a more pragmatic solution given the short lead time on the contract and the ongoing pandemic, would have been to manage expectations and explain how many of each product would be available, so that folk understood that there were limits to what was available.   They could have then staggered product releases over the course of the first season to smooth out the demand and let them build their infrastructure in a less frenetic manner.

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its not concerning at all , Club 1872 have proved time after time to be nothing more than useful idiots for the club and King especially , now they aren't needed , infact they haven't been needed for quite some time , its not really rocket science.


Those of us that have attended meetings and seen how James Blair conducted the whole fiasco have seen this coming for years , this is why I have nothing to do with them now , the fact the membership hasn't grown says it all .

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I'm not playing down the real disappointment some fans clearly experienced but everyone needs to calm down about this. Shit often happens at the beginning of new contracts. The real issue is how Castore react and whether the same or similar problems happen in future. If they fix the problems then fine, if they don't then that's more serious.  


I'm not convinced Club1872 is actually doing anything but use the situation to try to breathe life into its own stale existence. Can anyone tell me what it's actually for?

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So Rangers and Castore are largely ignoring multiple complaints about deliveries, quality and poor communication and people on here are having a go at Club1872 for questioning this?


No wonder the club know they can fleece us.

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20 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

So Rangers and Castore are largely ignoring multiple complaints about deliveries, quality and poor communication and people on here are having a go at Club1872 for questioning this?


No wonder the club know they can fleece us.

Over 400 fans applied to go to this , 10 were chosen , club1872 weren’t included , tells you everything .

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