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A Message From Managing Director Stewart Robertson

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8 minutes ago, CammyF said:

if you have an issue, take it up with the players or the club

You keep saying that but also accuse everyone who has done it of being racist.  Some of the examples you posted were moronic with racist undetones, undoubtedly but not everyone who questions taking the knee, the fist clench or BLM is a racist.

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11 minutes ago, Bill said:

Well how about any evidence at all? So far you’ve got yourself in a lather about something you want to lay at the door of Rangers fans but can’t identify a single Rangers fan who is guilty of anything. It’s not good enough just to say “this is how I want it to be , so it must be like that and anyone who disagrees is wrong”. If you’re going to blame Rangers fans of racism at least have the decency of first knowing if it had anything to do with Rangers fans. 

If it's not Rangers fans who are they? If I posted a racist post in here, would it be undeniable from a Rangers fan? 


You are either trolling or deranged. 

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5 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

You keep saying that but also accuse everyone who has done it of being racist.  Some of the examples you posted were moronic with racist undetones, undoubtedly but not everyone who questions taking the knee, the fist clench or BLM is a racist.

When did I say that? 


In opinion anyone criticising players for standing up to racism has an agenda.


This is not and never has been about BLM movement, it's in support of anti-racism. My 9 year old boys have the intelligence to see the difference, why can't a minority of Rangers fans.


I don't agree 100% with BLMUK, but I do support our players 100%, and I am 100% anti-racism. You can do both you know. 

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1 minute ago, CammyF said:

If it's not Rangers fans who are they? If posted a racist post in here, would it be undeniable from a Rangers fan? 


You are either trolling or deranged. 

I don’t know who they were and I’ve said so. You’re the one claiming to know their identity but can’t back it up when asked. 

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5 minutes ago, Bill said:

I don’t know who they were and I’ve said so. You’re the one claiming to know their identity but can’t back it up when asked. 

So its trolling then...

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5 minutes ago, CammyF said:

So its trolling then...

No it’s just taking a reasonable view of someone accusing fellow Rangers fans of racism when he hasn’t a shred of proof that any of them were in fact Rangers fans. The truth is you jumped the gun in your headlong rush to appear virtuous and now you can’t admit your mistake for fear of your virtue being tarnished. It’s a bit of a mess you’ve created here. 

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4 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

So why wait until George Floyd's death to start taking the knee?

Why you asking me? Ask the players and management of our club, ask a person of colour why they are doing it. I simply support their right to do so without being abused for it. 


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6 minutes ago, Bill said:

No it’s just taking a reasonable view of someone accusing fellow Rangers fans of racism when he hasn’t a shred of proof that any of them were in fact Rangers fans. The truth is you jumped the gun in your headlong rush to appear virtuous and now you can’t admit your mistake for fear of your virtue being tarnished. It’s a bit of a mess you’ve created here. 

Aye OK - the comments I posted were from locked Rangers pages. 


So hands up, I was wrong, none of them were from Rangers fans ???

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1 minute ago, CammyF said:

Aye OK 

There’s no need to be petulant, this is a serious matter. All you have do is be truthful. Just admit  you don’t actually know if they were Rangers fans. 

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