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Jim Traynor allegedly attacked

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1 minute ago, Gonzo79 said:

I don't hate Jim Traynor.  


Do you have evidence the attack was motivated by sectarianism?

Your comments certainly paint that picture 


Evidence?! the police have taken complaints and are treating it as an assault with sectarian aggravation 


What more is necessary? 

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I don't want Jim Traynor to be associated with Rangers FC.  I thinks that's fairly reasonable given his track record. 


I don't anyone to be assaulted whilst going about their daily business.  


I tend not to jump to conclusions on the basis of tweets, which I think is sensible.

Edited by Gonzo79
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6 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

I don't want Jim Traynor to be associated with Rangers FC.  I thinks that's fairly reasonable given his track record. 


I don't anyone to be assaulted whilst going about their daily business.  


I tend not to jump to conclusions on the basis of tweets, which I think is sensible.

who’s jumping to conclusions? 

Your posts have been eye opening to say the least today, from almost glee to now twisting it back around 


Police are investigating an assault with a sectarian aggravation, that’s not from a tweet ?‍♂️



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2 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

I want what's best for Rangers and think our club would be better off with a good PR firm on board.  

Nobody on here would dispute that 

Taking Glee in a 66 year old being attacked & saying ‘ maybe he’ll be sent our to pasture’ is crass to say the least 


As is your inability to see the bigger picture, Jim Traynor or not 

Edited by Stevie - 4lads Blog
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16 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

What a shame.


Maybe now he can be put out to pasture and we can bring in a good PR firm who have never made disparaging remarks about Rangers supporters (like he has). 


2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

Is this a statement of fact and what does his age have to do with it?


"They surged in several times clubbing everyone within reach. Although the fans who were spewing their sectarian bile probably deserve a good hiding, innocents would also have been taken out."

Jim Traynor on Rangers fans in Pamplona, Spain

Were his remarks, that you didn’t like, about Rangers supporters in general or the minority that bring shame to the club? 

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I think there's a clear misunderstanding about PR services in general and at Rangers in particular. Sure, there are good PR people and poor PR people but that's hardly the issue. It's important to understand that no PR company or internal PR department is responsible for what enters the public domain. That's no their role.


The responsibility of the PR function is to place the views and decisions of the owner/executive/board in the public domain and to do so effectively, ensuring news releases are well-targeted and properly defined. It is the role of the executive, in Rangers case this is the board of directors acting through the managing director, to decide what the PR department will seek to communicate and it is the responsibility of the executive to approve everything of importance that is released to the public.


Going around blaming James Traynor as if he somehow decided and approved the club's communications shows a profound ignorance of reality. If Traynor is ineffective at turning the board's intentions into well-crafted and well-directed statements then the managing director should either replace him or accept full responsibility for his failings. Similarly, if the managing director isn't checking and approving sensitive releases then he's the one who is negligent. Going around criticising Traynor is the best way of excusing and inept board of directors and an especially incompetent MD.

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