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Morelos car sabotaged?

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I've lived in Glasgow most of my life and I'm stunned by this. If this is true and it doesn't turn out to be some sort theft or petty vandalism then we've really turned a corner into a very dark place. I genuinely hope it turns out to be someone trying to steal his car because the alternative I'm struggling to comprehend. 

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2 hours ago, JohnMc said:

I've lived in Glasgow most of my life and I'm stunned by this. If this is true and it doesn't turn out to be some sort theft or petty vandalism then we've really turned a corner into a very dark place. I genuinely hope it turns out to be someone trying to steal his car because the alternative I'm struggling to comprehend. 

I agree @JohnMc.  Having lived in Glasgow for 20+ years I really thought the animosity extended as far as verbal assaults in the main, with an occasional punch thrown now and again.  To think that this has now extended to ........., well I dare not even use the terms in my head, this is truly a milestone.  I'm really hoping this is an idiot either trying to steal the car or maybe placing a tracker on it so they could follow his movements (which although sinister, is better than the alternatives).

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