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New Bids In for Naismith and McCulloch????

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Werent the first 2 bids under 500k though?? I can see Killies point of view from there, IIRC the first bid was laughable.


But after that we met there valuation of 1.5 million and they started to play funny buggars.


But lets remember that Killie accepted (then declined) a �£400,000 offer from us in January for SN.


Cammy F

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It seems to me that Celtic paying well over the odds for Brown has got a fair few SPL chairman rubbing their hands in anticipation...



Agree with you 100%, our transfer fee's are becoming like Englands i.e very few players go for what they are worth. Take Keiran Richardson for example, there is no way that boy is worth 5.5million the same as i dont think Brown is worth the 4.4 million celtic payed for him. Naismith is worth no more than 1.5 million, time to move on and go for someone else

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our transfer fee's are becoming like Englands i.e very few players go for what they are worth. Take Keiran Richardson for example, there is no way that boy is worth 5.5million


Yeah but maybe its a good thing so all scottish clubs get richer as we cant fall any further behind than England as it is because we are being held to ransom.


So if the SPL players fee's rise then any club coming in for OF players the fee will rise also.


I was thinking about the Richardson fee, it did seem a bit high but he is a england international squad player and hasnt got a look-in at Man U due to Giggs who is world class.

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Scotland Today has an "exclusive" about Naismith coming up later in the programme.




EDIT: Naismith handed in a transfer request in a bid to win a move to Ibrox.


People are unsure about how many years he has left on his contract. STV have confirmed he has 3 years left.

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BTW, the Jambos are convinced they're going to sign him and are even more convinced that he'd want to go their with Mad Vlad in charge and no manager.


Latest from Killie....


But Killie chairman Michael Johnston told BBC Sport: "As far as I am concerned, this changes nothing. It just makes his desire to leave public.


"To be honest, I am not sure what will be achieved by him doing this.


"We have told Steven we will not stand in his way, but we must receive the valuation we feel we deserve."

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BTW, the Jambos are convinced they're going to sign him and are even more convinced that he'd want to go their with Mad Vlad in charge and no manager.


Latest from Killie....


Makes his decision to leave public?


Everyone knew he wanted to leave before he put in the transfer request. :uzi:

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It wouldnt surprise me if he went to Edinburgh as he wont feel like playing infront of the Killie fans.


I can see Hibs taking him just to punt him on for a profit, there chairman is a shrewd dealer like that. Hearts will try to do something ridiculous like buy him and give him a 10 million release contract.

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